Idioms game with SBD prizes (number 6)

EDIT: Please if you are Dutch/Belgian please leave the "correct" answers for other people from other languages, so we can all have fun! The prize for the "funny" answer is bigger. Bedankt!

Waiting for a train, and then a plane and then... So, what better time to write up another idioms game!

Anyway, I'm changing the rules a bit so that you can enter BOTH a serious and a funny entry for each picture. That way, you don't have to choose! Also a little increase in the prizes!

I am learning Dutch, and here are some idioms that I am trying to learn. Idioms are the name of the non native speaker, they are the sayings that mean something completely different from the literal meaning. Which makes for embarrassingly funny situations when you are learning the language.

To play this game, no Dutch is needed, I will give the literal translation in English.


  1. Have a go at trying to guess the meaning of each picture/idiom. You can enter BOTH a serious and a funny entry.
  2. Do it for each three!
  3. So to be clear: Each picture, a funny entry and a serious entry!
  4. Winner is at post payout. For the first serious correct entry (of each picture) there is a prize of 0.05 SBD. For the funniest (determined by me!) entry (for each picture) there is a 0.1 SBD prize.
  5. So, 6 prizes! You don't have to make an entry for each, but please make it clear so I know what is going on!


unnamed (1).jpg
Iemand bij de neus nemen
Taking someone by the nose


unnamed (3).jpg
Het bijltje erbij neergooien
Throw down the axe


In de soep lopen
Walking in the soup

Answers and winners from last week

Original post


In de knoop zitten
Sitting in the knot (tangle)
Meaning: To be confused, not to know anymore!

Serious: None
Funny: @pandasquad


Iemand de pin op de neus zetten
Putting the pin on someone's nose

Meaning: To put someone under pressure

Serious: None
Funny @calebleejl


De klos zijn
Being a bobbin (or spool or spindle)

Meaning: To be the victim/the unlucky one.

Serious: None
Funny: @kryptocek

Congrats to the winners and also to everyone that played! SBD is being funneled out!


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