WE Have a Winner!!!
Congrats to @improv
The rules were a little lax on this one being the first attempt at a street view scavenger hunt. He did provide screen shots. Although all of his answers aren't in the same reply. I'm going to give it to him anyways. Woooty Wooot!
- circle/round/*doughnut
- body
- goat/sheep
Thanks for playing and stay tuned for our next scavenger hunt!
This is my first scavenger hunt contest so it may be on the easy side.

The rules are simple.
- Upvote this post
- You will get 3 clues. Post your 3 answers in the comments below.
- First person to post the 3 correct answers wins.
Are you ready? Lets go to the Zoo!
Start here at the entrance
Clue #1
There is a woman handing her tickets to get in. What is the shape on her necklace?Clue #2
Find the predators of the Serengeti. Just past the 3 bronze statues is a sign that reads"A Hunters _______" Fill in the blank.
Clue #3
What is coming out of the lower door on the white barn?Good luck to all players!

images from pixabay