The day was February, 1st 2028, the last day the planet would be densely populated. No-one was given the choice to die with humanity as a whole except a select few who knew and had the choice to seek shelter with a select group of friends. There were not many who chose to survive this ending, to this era of man, that will always be known as the error of man. There were a few brave souls who when faced with the choice of paradise over death quickly picked self preservation over annihilation but was that the wise choice for any of them?
Many people had been preparing for the end since WWII but things didn't get the final push until once the final 2016 Presidential election had concluded and Donald J. Trump was crowned the 45th president of the United States. The world was mixed in celebration and complete distraught. This was the final divide in consciousness between those who knew the world for what it was and the new budding generation of people learning about life through the use of TV and the internet and not through direct physical human contact. Everyone started getting side tracked and confused by the news and chasing the new phenomenon known as crypto-currency.
Many viewed these "tokens" as a means to get rich and avoid taxes but missed the underlying implications of the technology behind these complex codes. This was the digital advancement made in the dreams of madmen under the guise of freedom for all. Most of the networks were built on the premise that the general community had a say in every function of how a crypto worked and that at anytime a change to benefit the greater good of all but never really understood there are always men at the top working for the man, being witnesses to the final destruction of Earth.
The major breakthrough was in 2017 when the founding crypto known then as BTC was near a small single token value of $20,000. The world went wild and the crypto-armageddon had caught the attention of almost every small country in the world as a means to escape poverty

In 2028 the world was divided, you had three groups of people. Whales, minnows and witnesses. Dan was their leader. He hated death, he wasn't scared of dying as he had firm beliefs of where we went next. He hated the heartbreaking pain felt by those left behind. So he coded EOS to be to be the fail safe for people to never feel the pain of losing him, the smartest, kindest and most generous man on the planet. EOS was coded to his heart and as master witness of EOS when Dan's heart stopped his final act of generosity was set into motion. The day Dan passed the cataclysmic event that was supposed to end humanity happened. Super nukes were self launched, the weather machines went crazy all followed by the end all of EMP's from space which crashed every fleeing ship trying to escape death.
Round two begins here
Contestants from Round one @erodedthoughts/paradise-or-death-game
Write your story beginning from this point.
Round 2 will be your story about your first month after the annihilation of man.
All man-made items on earth were vaporized so you will have to make anything you need using just the supplies that you brought that survived.
Zero electronics survived the EMP.
1.) If you tried to leave earth your ship crashed resulting in 2 passengers dying on impact.
2.) If you chose to stay on Earth 1 person you invited had a change of heart and was lost.
Tell us who died in your group. Why did you pick them? What impact has that had on your first month?
All entries need to have the correct image used for round 2 (the image that matches the location you picked from round 1, 1st picture is for space options). Use lifesfacade tag. The image used 1st in this post is the correct picture for those who tried to leave Earth.
Have fun, get creative.
Your struggles have just begun.
All images are property of @rubencress, give him credit in your work.
Disclaimer: This is a fiction game not my personal opinion about the technology developed by Daniel Larimer and shall under no circumstances be interpreted as investment advice.