#Contest: Week 7 - Pay It Forward Curation contest by @thedarkhorse

STEEMIT is absolutely riddled with talented writers, who produce quality content, ethically. I love looking for and connecting with bloggers exactly like those, who keep the fundamental principles of Steemit alive - Quality, Quantity and Originality.


These Steemians are sometimes difficult to come by, especially in the lower ranks but you know that once you've found them, and examined their blogs a bit that you'll be sticking with them to the end, giving them that upvote, commending them for their effort and even resteeming their latest posts at times.

Since this is my first entry into @thedarkhorse's Pay It Forward Curation Contest, I would like to highlight that I am super stoked to share these three Steemians I find inspiring.

First off, we have @oadissin who you will see, upon visiting their blog, clearly has a very strong social responsibility mindset and also loves to inspire people with motivation which really hits hard, spurring on deep thought and inner reflection.

@oadissin's latest post, titled: Education for Girls in Africa :: Batonga hits home hard for most Africans, and even former Africans.


In Africa, if you are female, you are not viewed as an equal in most of the continent's countries. In this post, the writer highlights how one single woman is working to change this view through education.

Regardless of where you live on the planet, inequality is an issue women face on a daily basis and I am super glad this initiative is on the rise throughout Africa.

Coming in at second with everyday quality content, and absolutely useful advice for all bonsai beginners is Steemian @romanolsamuels.

Now, a lot of people might think: 'What could be so cool about plants.'

Spend a few minutes, examine this blog and you'll see it for yourself.

@romanolsamuels blog is filled with greatness and he is not shy to admit that he has made some mistakes from when he started out experimenting with bonsai - the best part, not only does he rectify his mistakes but he also provides insight into how to avoid making similar mistakes.


In his latest post, this borderline reputation holder of 50, shares his thoughts on: #BonsaiForAll: Is bonsai something that anyone can do as a hobby?


He explains how in actual fact, if you are keen on bonsai, you can quite easily start out, keeping a few things in mind of course - he even highlights yet again, how failure can be overcome with persistence and determination - clearly, this is an absolute prime example of how consistent effort always pays off.

In third, I have @carlosadolfochac who not only writes insane travel posts but also takes some exquisite photos worthy of everyone's attention.

His latest post was a bit short to my liking but then again, it was with the intent and purpose for entering a photography competition so instead, I'd like to highlight the post prior to that, titled: En kayak de CumanĂ¡ a Mochima. Adventure


In his writings, you are transported to whichever place he writes about and I find that a real remarkable talent, especially given that it seems as though his language of choice is not English.


With some minor tweaks in terms of layout and design in his posts, I'm sure that @carlosadolfochac will be able to achieve greatness on Steemit - he certainly needs no improvement in the photography department so, feel free to explore his blog.

That's a wrap with my entry for @thedarkhorse's Week 7 - Pay it forward Curation Contest - head here for more information: Week 7 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty

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