Free puns! Get your free puns! Punday Monday 39! A FreeWriteHouse project! Prizes!

Welcome to Punday 39!

If you haven't heard of freewriting, well, I'm surprised. It's something I learned about in college, and I began posting my daily freewrites here shortly after joining Steemit, and when @Mariannewest asked if she could make it a bigger thing on Steemit, why, of course, she didn't need to ask my permission, since it's not a thing that belongs to anyone, but I'd never say no to community building, and I couldn't even imagine that it would become what it has under her guidance, but it has!! (I win the prize for most run-on run-on sentence) Anywhoodles, we're a whole community now that welcomes everyone with open arms and virtual pads of paper. The account @freewritehouse has been created as a home base, administrated by the most eager and active freewriters. My only claim to fame is that I haven't missed a day since before her counting of days began. Otherwise, it is the active building of community by all the members that should be lauded and famous to the end of times... I'm gushing. The point is, go find out for yourself if @freewritehouse is a place you will feel a sense of belonging. Punday Monday has an official, mutual admiration society, working relationship with the freewrite community.

Do you want to know who won last week's Punday?

Here's the link to the punnericks and all the St. Paddy's Day puns: @improv/punday-monday-38-st-patrick-s-day-celebration-limericks-and-puns-and-fun-and-funds-prizes-galore

The first prize we award is the POCKET Choice Awards

The voting post appears on a Friday, and here was this week's: @improv/leprechaun-pocket-friday-for-shillelagh-punday-monday-38-st-patrick-s-day-edition

As you can see, our winner this week was @ChrisRoberts! He wins again!

The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, @acolucky, @ablaze, and @paul.atreides.

The next prize we would award would be the Best Video Pun Award

But there were no entries in this category. Submit your next pun as a video!
Since there were no entries in this category, we shall instead award it to @ablaze for making limericks that are also acrostics!

And finally, we come to the big prize!

Best Overall Pun Award goes to...
Oh, my, I can't not award it also to @ChrisRoberts! Sham-rocked the house?!? Amazing.

The winner winners win an upvote from me on a post of their choice along with a @tipu tip! Include your link with the next pun you post, winners!

Now on to this week's category...

In the interest of dovetailing with @freewritehouse, this week's puns will be on the topic
As in,
Hey Dad! My soup is sizzling hot!
I'm busy now! Oil deal with that later, Sun!

Yeah. You can do better.

Click the graphic to join the fun

Still leave your puns in the comments below on this post!

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