Pun Contest Week 4 Winners and Week 5 Announcement!

Let's get to it, Pruitt.

Last week had SO MANY puns, but SO FEW entrants. Here it is:


For the first time

I had someone bug me to tell me to get this week's contest post up. That made me very happy.

But still

No one made a video

Even though

I not only explicitly invited them to, but what you will see is the winning pun would have won so much harder if it had been delivered in video form.

I imagine you can guess

That the winner was the fella who made the most puns.

You'd be right

But he won for his first pun

In case it takes you as long to get it as it did me, it goes like this

Congrats @paul.atreides!

You win a vote on a link! Tell me which one you want in the comments below.

Let's do it again!

This week's word is

As in

Which sportsians are never invited to fancy midafternoon snacks? One hint. It's the one who always gulpfing their tee.

Post your puns in the comments below!

I give out lots of upvoting for good puns!

Learn how to make a pun here:

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