Punday Monday 32! Prizes and new contest!

It's a new week. There's a supermoon blue moon blood moon on Wednesday.

So, that's exciting.

Here were this week's Pun Entries (aka...pentrees)

(the picture is clickable! But here's the link, just so no one is confused...


If you're not sure how to properly puns work, here's the how-to :

Now, on to prizes!

@paul.atreides continues prove his prosperous pun power, presenting pocket to proper punsters! @diebitch, who has her own pun posts (@diebitch/if-you-have-a-crypto-pun-let-minnow), you won POCKET Choice Punday! @improv/6cthrj-pocket-friday-for-punday-monday
The folks in the POCKET Choice winner's circle are @miniature-tiger, @lilygolightly, @chrisroberts, @stinawog, @doctorcrypto, @heroic15397, @littlescribe, @diebitch, and @paul.atreides.

As you may remember, winners win an upvote and @tipu tip from me on the post of their choice for the week of their winning, and will all be contestants for the big annual prize, as described here: @improv/pocket-this-is-the-official-1st-choose-your-favorite-joke-from-pun-day-monday-14-and-send-their-author-pocket-in-the-comments-to

No video pun award this week.
Videos are hard to solicit, but I am nothing if not tenacious.

this week, in a mild change, your Overall Best Pun pun judge is @stinawog! (my wife)

She is an exceptional punster in her own right.

She has chosen...


For those of you wondering just what his secret is, well... you might want to take a look at the how-to! It's all laid out in there (how to win friends and influence people)!

Congrats! You win an upvote and @tipu tip from me!

And, of course, you were all winners, because you're exercising your brains and you all got full upvotes from me!

Today's topic is...literally impossible.

Why did the tiny devil die in Tom Cruise's sim village? Because it was missing imp hospital!


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