PUNDAY MONDAY! Come play in week 17! Win POCKET! Win tips! Win acclaim! Easy to enter, fun to play! (Nine out of ten dentists agree, these puns don't cause cavities!)

Happy Pun Day, all you pun-kings and pun-queens!

I hope you have found the best punkins to make your jack-o-laughters this week.
I know you did last week.

Just look at what you did!


There are just so many good ones. If you missed any of them, I highly recommend you head back to that thread and get your fill.

We welcome TWO new challengers!

Hooray for @littlescribe and @ajremy joining our community of punsters!
Perhaps one of them will one day join our elites winner's board.
Welcome back to @doctorcrypto, @paul.atreides, @heroic15397, @jedau, and @baus85!

Such good puns this week!

And let us not forget our POCKET awards:


Someone is going to win some delicious POCKET to go with their upvote and tip!

Let's get right to it, Pruitt!

Today's video pun winner is....

No one. No videos were submitted. What a shame.

Today's POCKET winner is...

@littlescribe! Welcome to the POCKET winner's circle!!! You join @doctorcrypto and @heroic15397 as the only winners so far!

and finally, the grand winner this week is...

@baus85 for his German language pun! That's right folks, I love learning! And this week I learned "Faxen" is both the word for faxing and the word for making funny faces (like a grimace!)



If you want to enter the contest for this week, but you don't know how to pun, just check out this handy dandy tutorial!


Continuing our celebration of all things spooky, this week's word is...

She keeps talking about a corpus, so let's say the word is CORPSE.

As in, of CORPSE that's the subject for my wife to pun about. Cadaver talking about nice words, like "birds" or "flower". That wouldn't be FUNeral.

These are confusing, but if I make a video, you'll understand...

Your turn!!!

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