The Deadpost Initiative - Week 21 - Find readers and rewards for your undervalued posts (All fluid rewards go to participants)

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

First of all sorry for the delay.

As announced in my post a few days ago, there are a few changes to the Initiative coming this week. There will be no more $10 prize minimum but 100% of SBD rewards and donations will go to participants. Hopefully this won't make much of a difference for the initiative but it means we can keep going with this initiative.

On to the winners of week 20

Last Week's Winners

@williams-owb - $ 2 Steem prize

@williams-owb shares with us an English grammer lesson that perhaps even native speakers could do well to remember. He explores the multiple meanings of different words, something we all may take for granted.

Do You Know A Word Could Have More Than ONE Meaning? (READ MORE)


@becomingwhtur - $ 2 Steem prize

@becomingwhtur explores the detrimental nature of seeing yourself as the victim. I particularly loved the following: *Raging against "the man" or "the government" or "those misogynists" will never free you from your own personal prison. You have to be the one to emancipate yourself from this mental slavery - no one else can do it for you. No legislation or social "justice" can ever be a balm for your circumstances. *

How the victim mentality destroys and what you can start doing about it!


@lavidaesunviaje - $ 2 Steem prize

Another wonderful photo blog from one of @lavidaesunviaje's photo blogs, this one an underwater adventure with some useful advice. Great as always.

Becoming a Divemaster in Taganga Colombia! My Experience


@insideoutlet - $ 2 Steem prize

What can you be absolutely sure of? Well, nothing, according to Socrates and @insideoutlet. Here she shares her passion for philosophy including some interesting info about the father of western philosophy and some of his views.

Confused Philosophy: My take on philosophy - Socrates' the wisest man who knew nothing!


Week 21

dead, image link

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!
The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

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