Tips to bake a super pizza / おいしいピザを焼くコツ


When I was preparing pizza yesterday for dinner, I thought it's nice to share the tips I learned in these years and I started writing this post.

Thanks to big German ovens almost in every kitchen, after I moved to Germany I often bake pizza. The dough takes 3-4 hours to rise but as it needs almost no maintenance, I can prepare the dough in between house work. Baking part is easy teasy. With a bowl of salad, dinner is done :)

I improved my pizza baking skill by seeing how Italian granpa and mama chefs prepare pizza in a professional kitchen few years ago. I'm happy to share some tips here.


For two adults and a bit more: 300g flour, 200g water, 3g dry yeast and 4g salt. Mix all in a bowl until the dough is roughly in shape (5 mins). Lift the dough and put 1 table spoon olive oil in the bowl and put the dough on the oil. Cover the bowl with plastic foil or moisturized kitchen towel. Leave it for 30min - 1hour and fold the dough two times. Every 30min - 1hour fold the dough 2-3 times. After 3-4 hours the dough is done. When the amount of ingredients are correct, mostly it works. Just roughly sticking to the time is fine.

The original recipe is the focaccia recipe in "How to Make Bread", one of my baking bibles. I reduce the water amount so that I can shape the dough easily. And why focaccia (not pizza)? It is because the Italian mama told me pizza, focaccia and ciabatta doughs were almost the same. So I adopted the focaccia dough as it's most convenient for my daily schedule.

Tomato Sauce

Mix 1/3 canned tomato, half clove garlic, 1-2 tea spoon olive oil, salt, pepper and sugar using blender. Add oregano or Italian herb mix as you like. The biggest learning was that I don't have to heat the sauce. I like to prepare the sauce in advance so that garlic flavor becomes mild in the sauce.

If you have left over tomato sauce, add it to pasta sauce or minestrone soup.


Whatever you like, Our classic is onion slice, mushroom slice, zucchini, salami and cheese. It's good to grill or fry watery veggies but I skip doing so when I feel lazy ;) Italian grandpa chef cut water from Mozzarella in advance and I follow his way. Once he made a pizza with blue cheese and pear and it became my favorite.

Baking Pizza

Preheat oven to 250℃. In the meanwhile shape the dough into a circle with 30-40 cm diameter on baking paper. Leave the dough until preheating is done. Make small holes on the dough with a folk. Spread the tomato sauce and put toppings except for cheese. Bake the pizza for 10 minutes, top on cheese and bake another 5-7 minutes until the cheese melts and crust becomes golden brown.

That's it. Frozen pizzas and pizza delivery services are convenient but it's well worth trying our own.

Happy baking!



以前イタリア人のおじいちゃんとおかあちゃんの厨房を手伝っていていろいろ見よう見まねで覚えたこともあり、ずいぶんうまくなりました。ちょっとだけコツを披露します :)



How to make breadのフォカッチャ生地のアレンジです。なぜフォカッチャかというと、一緒に働いていたイタリア人のおかあちゃんが「ピザもフォカッチャもチャパタも生地一緒で大丈夫 w」と言っていたので、作りやすいこの生地に落ちつきました。のばしにくいので水分はフォカッチャより少し少なめです。





お好みのものや冷蔵庫にあるもので ;) 大抵なにをのせてもおいしいですが、うちは玉ねぎやマッシュルームのスライス、ズッキーニや茄子などの野菜、サラミ、チーズという感じです。水の出やすい野菜はあらかじめフライパンで焼いておくとよいですが省いても大丈夫です。チーズはモッツァレラを使う場合、少し水切りしておくとよいです。




そんなこんなのピザテクニックでした。オーブンある方は是非 :)

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