
Ladies and gentlemen, Lucky here with a fairly quick informative piece on the up and coming company Bluzelle, the founders of the BLZ Token. As a crypto trader and blogger, I find knowledge to be the greatest asset we possess in the crypto world. Having a firm understanding of current events as well as important figures can honestly make or break an individual's journey in crypto, let alone on Steemit. Every single one of you is invited to take the challenge of continuing to educate yourselves, which will prove to be a fruitful endeavor if you commit to performing your absolute best. In an ever evolving world, it is your our duty to educate yourselves as much as possible, so we can in turn share our wealth of knowledge with others in the community. This builds a tight bond and it builds an unbreakable chain within the Steemit community! So read on my friends, let's get you started. Today we are learning about one of the latest additions to the crypto world, Bluzelle.

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Photograph is of the official Bluzelle logo which can be found on their web page HERE


Bluzelle is an upcoming company in the cryptocurrency world today. The company launched initially in the later portion of 2017 and with them came their signature token, BLZ. Bluzelle was relatively unnoticed until it's recent addition to the Binance exchange marketplaces, making it available for trade with BTB, BNB and ETH. When this token hit the Binance exchange, a massive "pump and dump" seemed to have occurred, as many watched BLZ sell for upwards of 0.4 BNB per unit and then plummet to a paltry 0.05 BNB per token. Big gains followed by a big decrease in value, right off the gate. Though it may not look great at a glance, this actually does not mean to disregard BLZ as an investment opportunity or big player in the cryptocurrency world. Inside of this article you will learn everything you need to know about Bluzelle, including why I believe the BLZ token could make a tremendous breakthrough during the first half of this year. Are you ready?


Bluzelle is a blockchain based company dedicated to improving the way we apply data management as well as storage. The name derived from some of the personal tastes of the two men who founded the company, Pavel Bains and Neeraj Murarka. Bains, contributed the color "blue" as his personal favorite and Murarka contributed the idea of the "Indian Gazelle" as a mascot more or less, together forming the word and company name, Bluzelle. The premise of the name is an outstanding idea in my personal opinion. Their data management system, like the native Indian Gazelle, is meant to operate swiftly, quickly and with much agility. The name Bluzelle honestly speaks volumes for their operation once you understand it's true meaning. Though Bluzelle was initially formed to offer services to their immediate client base, D'Apps (decentralized applications), the company has announced that they are actively seeking clients from more traditional outlets, such as internet based companies, apps and large scale corporations even. The goal is to provide a fast and effective means of storing and managing massive quantities of data. Are they going to accomplish their goal? Absolutely. They already are serving numerous clients across the blockchain and are growing as we speak!


The idea of effective data management is something that has been built upon for the past 30 years, since the introduction of the internet to the greater world. Businesses and individuals alike have worked tirelessly to find the most effective and efficient ways to store masses of files, including everything from client information all the way to videos. The real problem is this - large numbers of files consume incredibly large amounts of space on a computer. This had led to a great number of large scale companies having to literally purchase rooms packed full of computer hard drives that are operated by full fledged IT departments. Imagine the cost of filling a 20' x 20' office top to bottom with computer hard drives that are all linked together and plugged directly to your mainframe. Then imagine the cost of upkeep, which includes everything from electricity to maintenance, wages to upgrades. All of this expense, just to store valuable company files such as accounts receivable, client portfolios, yearly operations and much more. There has to be a better way, right?

This is where Bluzelle comes into the picture. First, let's not forget that the "cloud" and advanced hard drives exist for data storage and management purposes. However, are they really cost effective when dealing with massive amounts of data? No, they are not. In fact for some large scale companies, they can be more costly that having an in-house IT department handle these tasks for you. Bluzelle however, eliminates the need for the cloud, for countless hard drives, it even removes the need for an IT department to manage your data. By using Bluzelle, a client can store seemingly endless amounts of data, both retrieving and submitting documents at lightning fast speeds, all for a very affordable cost. How? It's easy. Bluzelle uses blockchain technology to efficiently store your masses of files and then make them available for you to retrieve, edit or add to at any time you'd like. Being this is the equivalent of a blockchain transaction, the use of Bluzelle when doing anything with your files, is just as fast as the gazelle they claim in their name. Want an even better piece of information? Because the blockchain makes any transaction immutable, EVERY single file you submit to Bluzelle is automatically backed up and preserved. Can you see how this is innovative?

This brings a new era to file storage and management for sure, but how does the company propose to be able to sustain such activities? Easy. Bluzelle uses the network within their own blockchain to reward users for lending out their computational power. In the same sense of mining, you can lend your device's power to Bluzelle, who then combines it with MANY others within the same network, creating the computational power that is needed to operate such an immense data storage and management system. Making light work of the power requirements is not the only thing this company is doing right. They are making this an infinitely scale-able solution to anyone's data storage and management needs, meaning they will have the ability to accommodate your needs regardless how big or how small your need is! Being spread across such an immense network with the abilities it has also means that the company is able to (and is promoting) storage of personal files such as videos, photos and things relevant to such. Their security is already par for the course being Bluzelle is blockchain based, but just to add some confidence, files are encrypted for storage making only the owner able to access these files. Unlimited possibilities, top notch security and unlimited growth potential all make the future promising for this company who is soon to be on the rise!


The reasons to choose Bluzelle over their "competitors" (per se) are rather easy to point out. Firstly, only by comparison is Bluzelle even in the same class as STORJ and FILECOIN. The obvious difference is that Bluzelle uses incentive based rewards to have physical clients lend their computational power and storage across their own network, which basically serves as a P2P network similar to BitTorrent for lack of other comparison. This makes the storage of personal files such as videos, programs and photos significantly more secure and more accessible, with significantly less restraint. STORJ and FILECOIN operate solely in the terms of blockchain manipulation, not physical clients, making their services really only desirable for one looking to store plain files, With Bluzelle, you can store and manage a wide variety of files, of any size, quickly and efficiently. This makes STORJ and FILECOIN obsolete in terms of productivity and efficiency.

Aside from the obvious tech specs above that really shed light on why Bluzelle is the superior choice, we can always fall back on the key details that separate them from the rest. One interesting feature, is being that Bluzelle exists on the blockchain, they will never suffer from downtime, therefor you can always rely on data management and storage to be efficiently performed in their hands. Their dynamic speeds are also a tremendous point of pride. As explained earlier, being on the blockchain has given them a competitive edge in terms of quickly accepting and releasing files at the speed of a micro-transaction, thanks to the incentivizing of their network clients! Being able to accommodate any size demand will surely be a competitive edge for Bluzelle as well, especially with incredibly large companies finally entering the blockchain to conduct business. Having "swarms" of computers spread across the Bluzelle network means that any size job is able to be completed to satisfaction. Let's face it, they are eliminating the need for services and goods such as Rackspace, Azure, the cloud, costly physical hard drives, IT employees....the list goes on. To sum it up, Bluzelle is revolutionizing the file management and storage world, not just the business!



Well, if the business specs on Bluzelle are not enough to give you good reason to purchase BLZ, then hopefully the rest of this piece might. First off, Bluzelle is going to see a great deal of growth simply because they are improving a struggling business system used by most folks today. When a company can solve a problem that plagues small and large scale businesses across the globe, you can expect to see tremendous amounts of growth occur within that company. Bluzelle has solved a problem that has driven people mad for decades and cost people tons of money to efficiently handle. With their innovative and ground breaking developments in file storage and management, we can expect larger scale companies to utilize their services on a daily basis as well as existing blockchain companies. Let's not forget small business, personal users and upcoming blockchain businesses can all utilize their service as well. This here is the formula for success and a formula for investment gains. Based on my research into Bluzelle, I myself am comfortable investing my hard earned money into their token, BLZ, because I know beyond a doubt I will see a healthy return on my investment. Aside from that, let's take a look at numbers.

BLZ hit the Binance BNB market at a staggering 0.4 BNB per token, which is a pretty good size for a token just entering crypto. This entrance was met with a massive sell off that landed the BNB price of Bluzelle at 0.05 per token. Of course, everyone invested in BLZ wanted to make their cut, so BLZ tokens flew right off the shelf so to speak and back into the market the very moment it was introduced to the exchange. Best believe, the ICO investors made money hand over fist with Bluzelle, and this is just the beginning. For a couple of weeks, Bluzelle's token, BLZ, has been on a roller coaster ride more or less. I've seen it drop to 0.04 and seen it rise up past 0.06, but it's always been back and forth. Today BLZ sits just shy of 0.06 BNB per token and it has already spiked past 0.061 per token before dropping again. Currently, the cost of BLZ is at a fair price and is opportune to buy. Due to the company increasing in size, the crypto world's awareness of BLZ and other market changing factors, I predict BLZ climbing to incredible heights over the next 6 months, if not before. Based on numbers, I expect BLZ to surpass 0.08 BNB per token in the next month alone. Am I right? I'm almost positive, just look at the facts.


The facts show that Bluzelle is on the rise and will grow exponentially, given they continue to upgrade and keep up with business operations. Judging off of the trend of the BLZ token and several other comparable studies, I can see a path for upwards growth opening up before us. I personally have bought into this token and am patiently waiting at this point. I suggest buying this token and supporting this company if you are looking for a sound investment in crypto that will prove to be fruitful. Whether you buy in, is entirely up to you, but know that missed opportunities often turn into what we call regrets. To anyone investing in this, I wish you the best of luck and I offer my studies to each and every one of you, all you have to do is reach out to me personally! Thank you all for taking the time to read this article!

Many thanks to @markkennard , @cryptkeeper17 , @davemccoy , @newbieresteemday , @newbiegames , @steemthat and @steembasicincome for giving me the drive to push further in Steemit. You are all pillars to the Steemit community!


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