The Fiber Ramble - May 4

I hope everyone has had a good week.

I've put aside the sweater. It's not going in the projects from hell box but I'm taking a break to start something exciting. Do you remember that beautiful Orchid Malabrigo wool I purchased? I've decided it needs to become a sweet dress and hat for my soon to be granddaughter. I will post on that later.

Congratulations to @earthmother, @vliet and @carolinacardoza for winning the #ultimatecrochetcontest! I look forward to @foxyspirit and @anjkara's next contest. What a great way to get to know fellow crocheters!

Onward to today’s rambling

My latest creation with pain management properties...

I found a soaper!! @sloppysoap is new to Steem and the first thing she posts about is her soap! I believe we will see some great content from @sloppysoap as she finds her way here. Please go give this new Steemian some love and encouragement.

Sashiko sewing order and color changing technique.

The first time I stumbled across Sashiko I marvelled at its beautiful simplicity. @naomipangolin has written an excellent tutorial with many clear photos and lots of detail. I can't wait to try it! Thank you @naomipangolin!

How to Make a Single Crochet stitch

For those of you looking to learn to crochet @carovargasv has started a series of videos you won't want to miss. This video features the MAIN stitch.... the single crochet. Have fun!

How to Crochet with Sheruknitting

@sheruknitting has created videos about MANY different forms of crochet. The links in her post take you way from Steem but it's worth the trip.

#NeedleworkMonday... Custom Jeans Upcycle Part 1

I've always enjoyed seeing how people repair and/or alter their jeans. There are so many creative things you can do with a simple pair of jeans. In part 1 of her series @borrowedearth takes us through her process of creating "decked out" jeans. These are really fun @borrowedearth.

Cases For Smiles - Charity Spotlight - Sewing Pillowcases for Hospitalized Children

@apanamamama is sewing beautiful bright pillow cases to bring smiles to kids in the hospital. It's a worthy charity called "Cases for Smiles" and @apanamamama has made it easy to help by providing an excellent tutorial, contact link and an informative video. Let's do what we do best and show some love! Thank you @apanamamama.

1st Irish Crochet Project - 5 Lessons Learned

Irish crochet has always fascinated me and I've made a few small pieces. It can be daunting to think about making a garment but @vliet has shared five thoughtful things she's learned about Irish Crochet. As well as several useful tips. Thank you @vliet.

Sunsets Rock! ( Latest stone art)

I first saw @poeticsnake's painted rocks at the Creatives' Coffee Hour on Monday and I was dazzled. Such a multi-talented Lady! Snekky (@poeticsnake) has shared with us how she painted a sunset scene and made it look easy. It's well written, detailed post. Thanks Snekky!

Origami lessons – The Tetrahedron ::

@holgerwerner works at a school where they teach Origami to the children. It's calming and helps them focus. This post is detailed with photos clearly showing each step to build our own tetrahedron. I'm definitely going to try this! Thanks @holgerwerner!

My evolving glass art work

@firemtnglass is another new Steemian who I believe will have much to contribute to our community. @firemtnglass is passionate about working with glass and it shows. Enjoy the eye candy and show some love. Welcome to Steem @firemtnglass!

Until next time friends...

Join the Fiberartists Curation Trail

If you’d like to be part of supporting the posts that I curate, you can join my curation trail. What that means is if you are part of the trail, when I vote on a quality post, your votes will automatically follow me. The trail name is Fiberartists.

You’ll need to sign up at SteemAutoand I’d recommend you use SteemConnect when asked to give voting rights. That makes sure your keys are safe.

Once registered, the link to the curation trail is right here. You can set the percentage of vote you wish to use in the settings once you join the trail.

Nominate Your Favourite Post

With all the posts that I sift through each time I sit down to do the Fiber Ramble, I think it is time to give you, the Fiber Artists, an opportunity to nominate your favourite reads.

Just visit the Fiber Ramble Discord and post the link in the Nominate-A-Post Channel.

fiber ramble

Creatives Coffee Hour

Join in on the fun! Come to the Creatives Coffee Hour, Mondays @1pm edt on the Steemit Ramble Discord or view it live on the Steem Star Network.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Don’t forget, Pimp Your Post Thursday takes place every Thursday at 11am and 7:00pm EST. Come and join the fun.

Pimp Your Post Thursday

Coffee Hour

Now streamed live on the Steem Star Network






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