I Am A Brand New Mother And I Am Looking for Some Help! I Will be Donating the Entire Amount I Make From This Post!🐶🐕🐩🐈


I never would have pictured myself as a mom.

Growing up, it never really struck me as something I thought I would become… I love kids, don’t get me wrong, I just have had a lot of life going on that is against me having any children of my own.

But all of that has changed because, now, all of a sudden I am a mother to not only one, but two beautiful girls.

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about my new addition- a rescue dog from the shelter here. She has changed my life in ways I could never have expected or ever pretend to understand. Her presence is such a gift in my life and together, we have formed this inseparable bond, unimaginable bond. I really feel like somehow the universe created her for me, equipped with my personality. I don’t understand how this animal can behave so much like myself! It’s a mystery but it has me hooked! Since, our eyes first touched, I knew I had an intimate connection with her and she has completely stolen my heart.

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Since I was traveling last week, I had to leave my precious baby behind for a couple of days for the first time since getting her. Luckily I had some friends who were willing to love her and make sure she didn’t tear my house a part while I was gone. Good thing she’s not a human because being so much like me, in human form I am sure she would have gotten into some crazy trouble with a house to herself!

All of the things they say about parenting were echoing in my mind as I was flying above the country, high in the sky… that little life force had attached herself to me and I was sad to be away from here, as short of a time as it was. She had melted my heart and I had originally only attempted to foster her from the shelter. Now, she had become part of me, my child, my baby. (This was not what I expected when I dropped in to volunteer all of those weeks ago now.)

When I got home from my trip, she was the most excited I have ever seen her! She was jumping into the air trying to get to my face to smother me in affection. It was at that moment that I realized the importance of our relationship and grasped the impact of her being with me.

I already wrote about this but I’m going to summarize it again here in case you missed it.

Bali has a lot of stray animals on the streets who suffer from widespread viruses and diseases, severe abuse including dumpings, ceremonial sacrifice, poisoning and even being put on the menu (eaten) in some cases. There are a whole host of issues between these diseases, abandonment and lack of education and the local shelter “Barc for Bali Dogs” does a fantastic job at rehabilitating as many animals as they can while actively striving to educate about animal welfare.


Unfortunately they only have so much space at any given time so they look for foster parents who can take the animals in temporarily until they can be vaccinated and rehomed. It’s an important piece of their organization because they are trying to prevent the spreading of diseases and puppies at a young age are extremely susceptible to contracting these viruses from the other dogs. Not only that but most puppies who come in are in bad shape and need extra love, attention and medical care so a loving home provides them with the opportunity they need to be able to heal and find a fur-ever home.

A couple weeks after fostering Bear, she got sick. She got really sick and I was terrified because I kept her safe and healthy and was doing everything in my power, by the book to keep her alive after a rough start to her life. She had been found drowning in the river and had just been brought into the shelter the day before I got her. I knew she was traumatized and the shelter desperately needed a home for her so I took her home and made sure to smother her in love, trying to make up for her painful past.

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Despite my best attempt, she got sick and hearing her cough and hack was the worst feeling a mother could ever feel. I was worried for her survival. I was new to this and didn’t know how to help her. What if something happened to her? I could never bear it. She went to the vet and we found out that she had caught Kennel Cough, a seriously infectious virus here. The vet told me if she got any worse, she could die with her immune system so low. My heart was sinking in my chest. A couple of days later I got sicker than I have been in years with the same symptoms as this little wonder of mine. Together we were fighting this terrible pain in our chest, constricted breathing and I wondered if I had brought myself an illness through the virus of the dog I had gotten off the street.

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That was terrifying. I read up on it and found that it was possible that I had caught something from her. Especially since she had symptoms of many viruses at once. My love for her never faltered. I cuddled her the same, I loved her the same and I carried on like nothing was wrong, continuing to give her everything I had, trying to make her better.

Eventually she did end up getting better (we both did) and it was through that, that I realized the importance of her being here with me. On the street, fighting for her life, she never would have made it but with the support of Barc and all those who contribute to it, we were able to give her the medical attention she needed as well as the loving, nurturing environment to build her strength, morale and immunity back up.


With all of this in mind, I got home and looked her in the eyes and decided that I needed to do more. I got right back on my scooter and went over to the shelter only an hour after getting home and took the first puppy I saw into my arms and brought her home.

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Now I have two angels who bring me unsurmountable amounts of joy and love. They challenge me, sure. They annoy me, definitely. They pee and bite and break things, absolutely. But, having them here means they’re not on the street, they’re safe, they’re loved and they have a chance at a better life. They give me a better life for having them and I am beyond grateful for that.

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If you’ve stuck around this far, thank you for reading this.

When I first wrote my post about Bear, my first pup, I said I was going to do an initiative for Barc.

I’ve decided that I am going to donate the entire amount this post makes to the shelter and I am going to visit them and possibly take one more fur baby home.

I have always loved animals and dreamed of living with a house full of them – it just may come to that yet ;)

If anyone reading this would like any more information on the shelter or would like to contribute or help them with their cause, I would be honoured to connect you to them personally. There is also a donate page on their website which I have linked in here.

As for my contribution, I am taking care of these two blessings in disguise at the moment (potential for more once these two start to get used to each other) and I will post proof of my payment to the shelter in full amount of whatever this post makes so please share it so it can be seen by more people and we can give this fantastic organization the help it deserves!

Thank you again for being here with me, my babies and I are sending you love!
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