#Contest: Week 10 - Pay It Forward Curation contest by @thedarkhorse

THREE, two, one - lights! Get that camera rolling! And ACTIOOOONNNN!!!!! Yeah, I know! Way too much of a dramatic introduction but I was feeling generous after having 'discovered' one of the bloggers I am about to share with you but, before I get ahead of myself and lead you down the path of a million unanswered questions - which is how I would have summarized this blogger's life.

First off, if you're reading this and you are a judge or participant in @thedarkhorse's curation contest - ignore this next line:

This post is all thanks to the curation contest hosted by @thedarkhorse and, if you would like more details on how you can participate in this great initiative which aims to uplift those new Steemians, head here for more information: Week 10 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest

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Right, back to what needs doing - and with that in mind, we have: @poodai - when I first saw this account, I was like nah, skip, but I didn't - you know when you get that feeling in your gut that you just have to see? That's what I got here.

The first article I read was titled: Getting ready for America

I know, what's so great about America - sorry @thedarkhorse (#JustKidding)

To me, this blogger shares what is in my opinion, the experiences the every day average human being takes for granted. His approach to everything a person can experience while travelling is quite refreshing and really showcases the culture and friendships we as a race can adopt if we allow ourselves to do so.


Interestingly enough, @poodai is an American citizen who decided to embark on an almost journey of self-discovery - in his own words: "I went back in search for the culture my skin was born to have."


Only after reading, I would say, at least the last ten posts, do you actually grasp how his latest article (at the time of writing) influences you - his entire blog is worth your time and I would implore you to not just read but stick around for more.

Up next we have cycling fanatic and Johannesburg's own @ultrabiker - I have no idea why I have not written anything fitness related for this curation contest as yet but hell, after featuring this guy I think my chances of getting anything relevant after this will have gone (pretty much) up in flames.

Who loves cycling - trick question because who doesn't. Cycling is literally the only fitness related activity everyone who can partake in, will want to do - why? Because it is the only fun one.

So why not spice things up and add some 'great to know' information to your cycling routine?

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Thanks to @ultrabiker, who surprised me by taking on a 'LIFE' article titled: Language Affects the Way we Think!!! I now know more about language than I do about cycling - regardless and despite me featuring him for his latest post as mentioned above, he writes brilliant, user friendly content worthy of your recognition, especially if you like to take a short break once in a while from Steemit simply to go do some peddling.

From random tips, tricks, hacks to the tour of the dragon and from there to the ten commandments of cycling - he's got it all, and you can have it as well - just click that follow button (great sales pitch yeah?), especially if you'd also like some food tips!

Now, back to reality and in so doing, I bring my latest entry into @thedarkhorse's curation contest for #Week10 to a grinding halt, up until next week that is.

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