2 of my favourite <50 Steemians who deserve more exposure (#payitforward curation contest - week 10)

Hey everyone, since I've started here, there were so many people who (and still) helped me out, supported me, encouraged me, showcased my posts and so on. I was overwhelmed by the bond and strenght of community here on steemit. I haven't experienced that on any other platform before.

@wolfhart invited me to join #payitforward a few days ago. The contest was originally created by the @thedarkhorse (but perhaps for many of us he is a white knight). 

The #payitforward contest supports great talents whose "Reputation Score" is still below 50 and who deserve more exposure.

It was about time for me to give back to the community. And with this post I will share with you my favourite under 50 bloggers who truly deserve more attention:

My first vote goes to @tryskele.

There are many reasons why (and I'd be suprised if I was the first one to mention her in this contest - I'm sure many of you know here already) but there's one main thing that stands out for me:

She is so honest in her sharings - and I believe that's so needed. 

She does the weekly "Mindfulness Monday" and it's perhaps best if you take 5min and read it on your own. You may find your own story within her sharings.

I'm sharing @tryskele here because I believe, we need more people in this world who share honestly and openly, I feel that it gives me the permission to do the same. And the more we share openly, the more we realise that, after all - we're just not so different from each other.

You can read her larest Mindfulness Monday Post here...

Thank you @tryskele!


The second vote goes to @FebriRmd

He got recently featured by the READ ME ASAP of the @asapers group and god, I've become a fan of

@FebriRmd. Everytime I look at his posts I have to smile. It's just so uplifting.

Basically what he does is this:

He takes the most random objects on a blank piece of paper and artistically draws a new world around those objects.

I love it because, he gives us such a different perspective, of the most common things in our lives. He shows me how I often blind myself to the simple similarities and the sameness in this world.

If you want to be surprised and laugh out of total surprise and astonishment, then go and watch out for @FebriRmd.


The bonus mention:

I wish I could mention 20 or more people and groups here. But I feel I just want to give the space to the one group that soaked me in and kept me going on this platform since I first started.


Originally @mirrors and @insideoutlet guided me to the group. It took me a while to get it all figured out on Steemit (and discord). But Asaper's really was the first group that supported me and guided me onto a journey where I realised that helping others, contributing and connect with people IS THE WAY TO GO.

Something I've had never experienced as strongly as on this platform. People help each other. Are honest, give valuable feedback and uplift you just in the right times.

Thank you Asaper's for being the first destination and guide for me in this vast sea on Steemit. You're amazing guys!


So... I guess... that's it... 

I'll just leave it this way and wish you an amazing rest of the week ;)


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