Greetings fellow Hivers,
I've been on a kind of go slow after a burst of posts in my first two weeks of using this platform. Today I'm sharing a simple but delicious desert idea that you can do on the go. If you like strawberries 🍓🍓 then you'll probably enjoy this dessert idea. For the yogurt lovers out there, this one is for you as well. It's so simple, anyone can do it.
Strawberry 🍓 in Yogurt Dessert
Process and materials:
You'll need the number of containers equivalent to the servings you will make. For display purposes I'm making enough for two people.
Step 1:
Cut the strawberries into small pieces and place some at the bottom of the container you will serve it in.
Step 2
Put enough yogurt in the container to cover the strawberries. Then add a few strawberries again ensuring that the colorful skin of the strawberry 🍓 is visible.
Step 3
Garnish with strawberries 🍓🍓🍓 and you're done.
I got mixed reviews for this one. One of my boys has no interest in yogurt but the rest of the family
enjoys this treat. When we have it at home, we usually serve it with breakfast or dinner.
Attitude of Gratitude
Thanks for stopping by.
Stay connected, stay blessed.