I got shocked when watching Stacey Dooley Investigations last week.
Did you know a pair of jeans cost 7.000 litres of water to grow the cotton it needs?

image from pexels
Did you know the Aral sea in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, once the 4th largest lake in the world with a surface of 70.000 square km (700 x 100 kilometres!), shrunk more than 90% of its original size by end of the 90s & is now 10% of what it was in the 60s?
Mostly Due for Production of COTTON!

image from wikipedia
Did you know the fashion industry is the second in rank of most polluting the earth?

image from straits times
Citarum River in Java: Every day, about 20.000 tons of waste and 340.000 tons of wastewater, mostly from 2.000 textile factories, are disposed directly into river. 28 Million people depend on this river; Many of them have some kind of skin decease.
I can’t say I’ll not buy clothes anymore, but I will think twice when buying my next item.
Be Aware when Shopping for Cloths and other textile/cotton products!
In the mean time, enjoy some beautiful music!
Press Play Below
Artist: Lanoche
Set: Transience #04
Year: 2018
Country: Spain
source soundcloud
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