Today was (again) on of those days. Starting the day as a normal weekday, alarm clock, coffee, shower, travel, office, more coffee, work, lunch, even more coffee, and also more work. And then: messages started to stream to my phone. The plan was to go home after work, but my friends had a different idea how I should spend my Thursday evening. In gazillion chat messages I got all the arguments why I should not go home, but to come to this super nice, small, cozy multi-day music and art festival Landjuweel. Sure, I was planning to go, but only as of Friday evening. But Friday became Thursday :) But still, I have to do an office day on Friday. Guess I'll manage somehow :)
Another challenge: Sunday will become difficult to get home at a decent time. One of my most favourite artist (mister Rachmad) is closing on Sunday, well Monday morning actually, till 3AM. I really like to stay till the end, to be able to listen to this 80s disco set, but I also have appointments in the office Monday morning. Guess I shall take several siestas during the weekend :)

© Landjuweel (source)
Artist: Steve Rachmad
Track: Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity (Steve Rachmad Instrumental)
Year: 2013
Country: Netherlands
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