For the Love of Discord! - My Top 2 Discord Groups and Others

Are you on Discord? If you are, then thats awesome, its a great place. If you are not, then why not join?

Discord is a hub of activity for many of your favorite Steemit groups, its where you can connect with people and make actual friends, promote your content and find hidden gems. Personally, I love just chatting with people from across the globe on there, I make new friends and learn so much!

I spend a lot of time on Discord and have fitted myself nicely into a couple niches. Many of the groups I am in I am not active, but there are a few where I clicked with the members for reals and developed relationships and connections. I work on a couple of these servers to keep it active and welcome new members. So, without futher ado, I would like to share with you my top 3 Discord groups, and some honorable mentions! 

Note: I go simply by Cae on Discord.

#1: Team Girl Powa

Team Girl Powa is my Discord home base, and if you join us I might just greet you at the door! We are described as inter sectional feminists, meaning we want equality for everyone, not just girls! That means people with autism, people of all races and places, and the lgbt+ community. Basically, if you are an accepting person who loves to chat with awesome people who are also super accepting, then this might be a good channel for you! The vibes are good here, yes they are. 

We are not terribly large, and I like it like that. There is usually activity on the server but not so much activity that its overwhelming, its a good balance right now. We have rooms such as the team meeting room, spirituality, a room for single moms, mental health room, a book nook, etc etc. Its a pretty lovely group and it is home to, by far, the most welcoming people I have found yet. I suppose I just click with these gals, and guys, and everyone in between because they are open minded and awesome!

One of my favorite Team Girl Powa activities is online cards against humanity, its a lovely way to get some laughs in and get to know the people on the server. @sykochica, we gotta do that again! I also love the bot cave, because you can type in a command that gives you random cat pictures anywhere on the server. Yah, random cat pictures and cat facts are a bonus! We have team meetings, girl powa radio, and we all upvote each other too. Oh, and you get a kitty nick name for your 'level' on the server, and everyone starts as a 'kitty.' Meow!

If Team Girl Powa seems like somewhere you would like to be, then join us on Discord! Come get to know cool people and chat about all sorts of fun things in a very safe environment. We make sure that our new members agree with our Team Girl Powa guidelines before they join so that we can keep the server as safe and friendly as possible, only those with an accepting and open mind are part of our team. 

Here is an invitation link:


#2: Live Sustainably

@livesustainably is a wonderful Steemit group dedicated to eradicating pollution and promoting sustainable living. They have a small discord group that is slowly growing, but it is nice and cozy right now! If you would like to get more into the live sustainably group, chat about moving off grid or just wasting less, etc, etc, come on over to the live sustainably Discord group!

I am nearly always on there acting as a sort of unofficial moderator and greeter, and all our chatting goes on in general chat so far. You can post your sustainability posts on there, your live sustainably contest entries, you can learn about the green-growth bot and delegations! Oh man, this server is going to be the best when it grows a little bit more. A bunch of like minded people trying to steward the earth! 

If you join us on Discord for the live sustainably group, you will be one of the first members and we will welcome you with open arms! Let us change the world together and get to know each other. I am at the point in my Steemit life where I need friends in order to grow more, and so I spend a lot of time getting to know others on discord, and its a good way to! 

Here is the link to this discord group:


Honorable Mentions - Discords I am just getting to know

Earth Nation - Earth nation is my newest Discord haunt. If you have not looked into Earth Nation yet, I highly recommend it. They are on the ball! They already have eco-villages across the globe, their own currency and their own economy. They are a group of super inspired people that are taking real action, right now! No speculation, but action!

I am only just getting my feet wet in this group, by beginning to chat with the people on their Discord group about getting involved in some of their teams. They have the hub for @steemitbasicincome on their discord and a lot more stuff going on too. If you really want to get involved in real change, right now, then check out Earth Nation on their Steemit and their Discord! Here is the link:

Geopolis - Geopolis on Steemit is a group for the curation of world wide sciences, from ecology to history. Talk to the creator of the group and other like minded individuals on their discord group! I do not spend so much time on this group but when I do I find it quite enjoyable, here is a link:

The Writers Block - @thewritersblock is a hub for writers and if you need some tips or help editing or improving your writing, this is where to go! Also, their greeter bot is super sassy and I love it! These people have a creative flair and sharp tongues, and would totally love to help you out! They have workshops for fiction, non fiction, poetry, songwriting and more! If you like to write or want to improve your writing, this is probably the discord group for you. Join the writers block here:

Philosofourm - This discord is just as it sounds, a fourm for philosophy! I occasionally spend time here and chat about spiritual stuff, divination, dreams, healing, etc etc. Basically if you wanna chat with people about cool stuff about alchemy and philosophy, join us here! Here is the link:

Oh man, there are so many more discord groups out there!

 Many of them are awesome, but these are the groups where I hang out and engage with people the most. Getting to know people from Steemit and across the globe is a very important step to Steemit success! The more personal friends you make, the better and more engaging your followers become. It also gives a good opportunity to get to know new people, find articles in topics you enjoy, and get involved in groups.

Also, you can often find jobs and ways to engage with the Steemit community that give you an extra boost with your blogging. Joining groups can make you successful and is just an extra way to engage! 

I do sincerely hope that I will see some of my Steemit friends on Discord, I would love to chat with you and get to know my followers better!

I want us all to succeed, because my success is your success and your success is my success! That is how this awesome platform works, so get on the bandwagon and join a Discord group if you haven't already, get to know your followers and those you follow, and join a group that can boost your success!

Thank you for joining me, and I really do hope to make more friends on Discord. Keep on Steemin on!

All images are from pixabay or respective Discord groups.


If you enjoyed this post, do not fret, there is more! Check out these links for more posts from @skycae!

AstroHerbology, Bridging Herbs and Astrology (A Free Online Mini Courses)

My Bliss in Stillness Steemit Vision Quest

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Magically Mundane - Divination Tea and Green Growth

Sled with us Crazy Mountain People Down the Mountain


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