Using the Bandwidth Wall to your Advantage

As a newer user to Steemit, I like many other minnows have been plagued by the dreaded "bandwidth issue". You might think this is going to be a post complaining about it, or asking why it happens, or even explaining what causes it. That isn't the case though. If you do a quick search, you will find many other posts that do just that. Instead, my post is going to talk about why for me it is a good thing.

This is how my average day goes... I get to work around 6:30 AM and I sit down at my desk. I check my email, get my applications started that I am going to need for the day and start working. I may be resolving issues that have come up, or working on my department budget, or whatever pops up that day. In between those tasks I log in to Steemit and I start working on my daily routine. Post my pictures with a short blurb for the photo competition I participate in as well as post my comments to other peoples pictures. By this time I might have maybe a half hour of time left to start working on my main post before I know my bandwidth is going to hit the negative numbers.

I start pounding away at a frenetic pace on my IBM Model M keyboard (if you don't know what that is Google it, they are the best!) and work on getting my main post for the day ready to publish. I move in my pictures, get everything formatted the way I want, decide which tags to use, click "Post" and BOOM "bandwidth limit exceeded". This I posit is where the real magic begins though. Now that I have time to waste before I can actually submit my post, I go back and re-read it. I find things that aren't quite right, mistakes I might have missed the first time through, things I want to word a little differently. This system-wide throttling of Steemit has actually made me write better posts. I actually have proof too. I recently had the honor of having one of my posts highlighted by @ethandsmith in his latest episode of The STEEM Engine Express. If you visit his profile you can see he posts some really great stuff and not to toot my own horn, but his Weekly episodes gather together a good glimpse of some of the interesting stuff on Steemit. I am humbled to be include with so many other great Steemians.

Next time you hit that bandwidth wall, use it as an opportunity to tweak and fine tune your post. Read it through once, twice, three times and make it the best it can be. In the end your writing is really representing you right? How do yo want the world of Steemit to see you?

This post was part of my first homework assignment for #dolphinschool

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