Paying It Forward - Sharing Some Steemians That Have Been an Inspiration

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Steemit has become more than just a hobby, it has become a type of freelance opportunity that rewards time, effort, and hard work. The financial side of things have helped me enormously of late, especially with bills related to health and lack of work. Even for my own blog which has tracked along steadily, but never hit great heights, I have been incredibly fortunate in my endeavours here.

But this post is less about me and more about some particular Steemians who I have shared the journey with over my time here. They all represent a specific element of what it is I am trying to achieve, and as such have provided enormous encouragement, just by doing what it is they do. Most on this list I have known here for some time. One is new to me, but what they have achieved in one particular field is what has caught my eye. I will go into details in just a moment.

My purpose here is mostly related to creative writing. As such there are other authors here who have inspired me with their own writing and the success (well deserved) that they have achieved. I wanted to introduce them, one by one, and explain what it is that motivates me about their Steemit presence.

Author and Movie Reviewer

  1. @ezzy – a long time writer here at Steemit, ezzy has written many pieces that have caught my eye over his time here. My writing has improved since I first arrived here, and in part it is because of authors such as ezzy. The opportunity to dissect and analysis his writing up close, and see what works and why it works is a part of the appeal. He writes well, and writes successfully.

    However, beyond his fiction career, he has branched out into movie reviews. I have tried to read through as many of these as I can. There is an art to writing a good review. He has it. I have used this education in my own book review endeavours. I wanted to give credit for that.


  1. @meesterboom – I first met the boomster way back in the early days, but got to know him more at a short lived stint at the Fiction-Trail. He has been a constant source of encouragement for my own fiction writing endeavours here, and isn't a bad writer himself. In fact, he excels in one area in particular. An area I am trying to utilise in my weekly Ramble On blogs – humour. If you haven't taken the time to read his blogs then do so. Consistently amusing would be a fair description.

Author and Great Commenter

  1. @jedau – a positive source of inspiration to me from the very early days. We met thanks to @curie, and again through the Fiction-Trail. A writer of great skill, he specialises in an even greater talent – comments. He writes them well, he writes them long, he follows up with responses, and he loves a comment conversation. As do I. Peas in a pod. You need to know people like jedau here at Steemit, believe me.


  1. @dreemit – here's a name I haven't been able to get to know as well as I would like. She writes wonderful fiction. That much is obvious to anyone who has spent time at her blog. But I was away from Steemit a couple of times and missed the beginnings of some great multi part stories she has posted. Always meaning to get back, I so far haven't. Yet she still drops by and keeps in touch. I have received many meaningful and encouraging comments in our many interactions. The consistency of effort, and the style of writing is what has stood out to me from dreemit's blog.

Podcast Master

  1. @ethandsmith – now Ethan is a new Steemian to me. We met through the Steem Engine, a wonderful and supportive group who emphasise the use of great comments (something I love, if that hasn't become obvious yet). He publishes the Steem Engine Podcast, and it is this endeavour that has caught my eye, and been an encouragement to me. Why is that? Well today I recorded and uploaded my first audiobook. It is a reading of a poetic style story I wrote recently. This is a big step out of my comfort zone, and it has been lead, in part, by listening to, and watching the efforts of people such as Ethan.

So thank you for reading, and allowing me to put in words where I am trying to go with my Steemit presence, and some of the people who have helped shape that intent. There are many wonderful names not on the list, you have my thanks also.

Previous post: Lessons Learned From a Dying Man - Written and Audio Versions

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works
Who is Naquoya

- Fiction
My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading

- Blog Posts
Notes #1 - #39 - Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection
Notes #40 - Read, Write, and Face the Future
Notes #41 - What Are Some Of Your Favourite Books?
Notes #42 - Website Review: Fiction University
Notes #43 - Seeking a Community Of Writers
Notes #44 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Characters?
Notes #45 - When Madness Came Knocking
Notes #46 - Why Do I Write?
Notes #47 - Books vs Movies: Who Wore it Better?
Notes #48 - Google Seems to Know Me too Well
Notes #49 - Conversation With My Multiple Selves
Notes #50 - Revisiting Childhood With Storm Boy and Mr Percival
Notes #51 - Some Of The Books That I Am Reading
Notes #52 - A Nomadic Australian Celebrates Australia Day
Notes #53 - Finding the Right Character For the Job
Notes #54 - But First Coffee

-Ramble On (Humour based fictional travel blog)
#1 - Introducing My New Travel Blog
#2 - Making a Deal With the Devil
#3 - Getting Arrested, For Resisting Arrest

Crooked God Machine - Autumn Christian
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
American Gods - Neil Gaiman

-Curation Posts
The Library #1
The Library #2

My Poetry Collection

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