Dragons Part 2

Everyone can draw.

Part 1
It may be hard to get started but What it takes is patience and motivation, skill comes later. Most importantly draw what you enjoy. I know dragons are a cliche, but each dragon I draw just brings me joy, so I want to draw another, and another and another.
It may be daunting when you see only the finished product, even though before that there were many tries.
Using multiple references is not cheating (however, do not copying other people's designs); nature is a great source of inspiration. Also it's a good habit to post original source when using a photograph for photo study.



"An extinct dragon. They used to be twice as tall as adult giraffes. They were herbivorous, but not much else is known about them. They possibly went extinct from over-hunting."- Adding some backstory helps you as much as the viewer. Because it can lead to more ideas. This dragon and backstory are inspired by Brachiosaurus; an extinct long-necked dinosaur.


I was so concentrated on the neck that I forgot to add details to the face :) And the wings are the most generic dragon wings no even in perspective. However, the final still has charm, because of its child-like appearance. It can easily remind us of the childhood when kids are fascinated by everything. This fascination is extremely useful as an artist.

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The following are dragons that are much more messy and random than from the Part 1

Dracofelis ( Latin- Dragoncat)


"Big as a panther and just as stealthy. Uses wings for long distance pounces. Fur may look soft, but it is very rough and hard."
This is so far my most poorly executed dragon. I was aiming for the cute stealthy cat look.After I failed the face, I considered not finishing the drawing at all. After all I decided to finish it, by testing a scale technique that I achieved a little better on Sublimis



"A majestic dragon. It has metallic skin that never becomes dull. Does not fly or breathe fire. Its scales can change hue to blend in with its hoarded treasure."- The face and tail are still over simplified but sometimes not everything has to be detailed.

Now try guessing what animal inspired Azeran...


A raccoon! A raccoon transformed into a dragon. Sometimes experimenting is more important than a perfectly clean drawing. Wild experimentation exercises creativity- a learned skill to the contrary belief.

"Azeran have uncanny resemblance to raccoons. Enjoy cuddles and collect various junk with jaws to decorate nests. The wings are not strong enough for flight, but great for balance. Favorite decor: light bulbs. May give rides to raccoon cubs."



In croatian bat is šišmiš (read as: shishmish). Miš stands for mouse.
Here the legs were supposed to be like those of eagles, but the dragon would look more natural with smaller legs.
" Ratpenat is related to bats and just as small except for its tail Loves fruits. It emits high pitched screeching noises when communicating with pack."



The original pencil sketch looked like the most adorable puppy, definitely regret not taking a photo. Here I decided to try a 0.8 pigment pen. The lines were so thick i couldn't add any details. This is the main reason why afterwards I bought pens size 0.1 for details and 0.4 for accentuation.
Grommit makes unusual growling sounds when excited and happy. If distressed or angry it stays silent. It is very friendly and can reach waist height of an adult human. The tail is softer than feathers.



I like the tree-dragon idea and plan to retry it. I didn't plan this one well and I forgot to decide where the light is coming from. In the end I added some quick sharing but it's noticeable how rough and rushed it was.
A hydra dragon in a tree form. The heads feed at night when wildlife confuses it for a regular tree. Every night it changes location, but it has never been spotted moving.

Some quick thumbnails. If you look closely you might recognize the original Rubyfer.


Thumbnails help to ease into drawing by filling up a small page with many quick ideas.

Thank you guys for all the support for Dragons Part 1!
By the end of tomorrow I will finish the first tutorial, so we can draw together! :D

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3 The reasons for you do grab a pencil or pen and start drawing:

  1. You are reading this post so you have interest in art. Curiosity makes us learn and grow
  2. Improving creativity will help you in all aspects of your work
  3. It's a great destress tool, take so time for yourself in this hectic time
  4. Just DO IT! :D

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Bonus- More dragon eggs!


"Dragon eggs come in various sizes and colors. The sturdiness often depends on climate and whether there are predator that prefer the eggs.
Many current dragons are smaller in size because they evolved to avoid being hunted by humans. Many of the bigger dragons went extinct in the dark ages."

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