Before reading my weird story, you may like to scroll down and press the play button; Then come back here and continue...
Lately I'm not dreaming too much anymore. Well, we all dream, every night, but most of the time I'm woken up by my alarm clock pulling me out of the wrong part of the sleeping cycle for the visuals to be active.
But when I remember dreams, I usually dream weird stuff. Generally nice weird. Sometimes ugly weird. Mostly weird weird. Some may regard my dreams as nightmares, but to me, any ugliness or weirdness in my dreams, I take as something interesting.
They say, we dream to get ride of information we don't need to keep in our gigantic database of knowledge. They say we dream what is on our mind. They say our dreams tells us something.
I hope you can help to get to an understanding of my dream I had this morning...
This morning's dream is actually a very short one, only a small fragment; Although I know the story was a little longer, I only remember the last couple of seconds...
I was cleaning some bathroom, it could be mine, but could also be somebody else's. I just know the bathroom had the same shape and colours as mine. I just finished cleaning and in the processes of taking all cleaning gear out - only some natural light coming into this room - and suddenly I saw a lot of pink dots on the side walls. At first I thought they were just appearing and growing larger. At places these dots overlapped, forming larger spots of pink of some material. When after closing my eyes for a second or more, I looked again, I noticed the pink dots moving towards the daylight; First quite fast, but quickly slowing down as if all these pink dots had to deal with a lot of resistance. Maybe it can be compared to water falling down and spreading across a floor, in slow motion.
Then I woke up completely, still remembering a longer story, but within a second or so, only the last part of the story I wrote above stayed in memory.
Now, what do you think? What could this dream tell me?
ps yesterday I posted about a service at SteemHunt (a great service btw, a service that actually result in engagement) called HELPLING, a kinda AirBnB for cleaners. Could this be the trigger for what I've been seeing this morning?

© Dr Rubenstein (source)
About the music below: Dr Rubenstein, a Russian born lady, a raver at heart, living in Berlin, becoming more and more popular and booked by quite credible promoters. The share below is one of her more dreamy sets (well, actually a podcast) with lots of electro influences and at times a bit weird and experimental-ish: I love it!
Press Play Below
Artist: Dr. Rubinstein
Set: FACT mix 669
Year: 2018
Country: Germany
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