|| Create Creativity ||


Expressing our creativity is one of the most powerful things our minds can do. It opens pathways to new perspectives, new possibilities & creates a bliss in us that is ✨magic✨.

To be truly creative, our minds must be open to new ideas, new connections, new solutions.

Some of us are born with more natural creative genius than others. But experts agree that every human can nurture this beauty within us to be the best in our respective fields.

We must expose our minds to new ideas often. Not letting ourselves get into a rut of thinking we KNOW what we know.

Sadly, it seems the majority of humans are not expressing themselves in any creative way.

Maybe they are scared to express this creativity for fear of being judged & not fitting in. guilty

Maybe they don’t even realize it’s missing from their day to day lives?

Maybe they are stuck on the definition of what creativity is? I think I fall into this trap also. We think we must be the most talented artist, the best writer, a skilled craftsman to express ourselves. The truth is, we can express our creativity in EVERYTHING we do! It’s waiting to show itself in your cooking, the way you manage a team at work, the way you speak to your children, or fur babies. Maybe it’s the clothes you wear, or your garden. Creativity surrounds us if we let it.

I can only speak for American society here. I truly believe our creativity begins it’s decline the moment we enter public schools. Teaching children WHAT to think instead of HOW to think. Teaching them facts to pass a bubble test for government funding that become meaningless as soon as the test is taken.

There is a lack of depth, relativity & passion in this education. One of the reasons we choose to homeschool our children now. After 4 years in public schools I could see the creative lights dimming.

Critical thinking and creativity are paramount to our progress on this planet. We must strive to nurture it in ourselves and each other.

This is one of the things I love about the Steemit community as a whole and the #buddyup group specifically. There is so much support to express yourself in any way you are inspired to do! We have artists, writers, designers, moms, dads... even some crazy lady that plays with LEGO’s. All expressing themselves at different skill levels, but expressing none the less.


People are being lifted up and celebrated for their efforts. This is so important! Especially when we are trying a new expression. To have a community that says “we see you, we see your efforts & your ideas matter”. We need more of that on this planet. The best way to have more of that is to create it yourself.

So, next time a friend or even a complete stranger is using that big ol’ brain for something new and out of the box. Celebrate them! There is no time for us to bring each other down. We must unlock the powers this universe gave us, and we must do it together.

Now please excuse me... my LEGO’s are calling.


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