
Casy Jones MEME.jpg

Casey Jones was driving that Illinois Central no. 1

full steam ahead. In that dense fog it wasn’t easy to see that the signal was red. His buddy cried out, “Oh my Lord, there’s something on the main line!”

Jones blew that good old steam whistle and slowed the train down but it still collided into a caboose and three freight cars at 35 miles per hour. The fireman jump off suffering a few broken ribs but Casey Jones stayed on board to slow the train down and save the passengers at the cost of his own life.

Trouble with you is the trouble with me.
Got two good eyes
But we still don’t see

A train engineer must keep his speed

to arrive at the station on time but there can be dangers on the track. We are easily distracted even though we have eyes to see and ears to hear. After getting this blog going for three months I finally got to pick up steem. I could share what was inside freely through stories and writing poems.

Then one day last week I was distracted

with some crazy idea to make myself famous on Steemit and join the mainstream. That may be good for some people but for me I am happy making a simple post about my daily struggles with life, my classroom, this blog and my family. I resolve some of these struggles through a poem and if I’m lucky a picture or a rhyme will follow along.

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We all get distracted.

The key is to know what track you are on. For me I am driving this train to glory so nothing is going to stop me. If anything gets in my way or distracts me I will be alerted right away by the fireman, “Oh my Lord, there’s something on the main line!” Get on board and enjoy this short poem.

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Original poem by @mineopoly

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In the mines of the heart
A miner picks at sediments of shale
Black dust sparkles in the air
A ray of sunlight makes it clear
This treasure cannot be sold
Worth much more than gold

In the midnight a fireman rides
Shoveling diamonds
Treasures unseen
The boiler rattle shakes
Beyond the threshold point
Jet batta jet batta jet bap bap
Full steem ahead

Illinois Central
What’s on the mainline?
Dense fog covers the track.
Keep on shovelin’
Don’t look back.

Body, heart and soul align
What’s track number nine?
Hear that boiler rumbling
Jet batta jet batta jet bap bap
Listen to that whistle blow
It’s call is warning to those below.

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I appreciate and love all of you who follow my posts on your feed. Please feel free to comment or just say hello. I will answer your comments and visit your blog and share the love.

Bonus: This Train




mining the heart


MEME cover picture of the Grateful Dead created by @mineopoly

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