Be Careful what you ask for!!!!

In this vlog I would like to talk about a recent conversation that I had with @heimindanger who is a developer of the Dtube platform.

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I have been Vlogging for about four weeks now. I previously tried before on youtube, but when I started Vlogging, this was around the time when youtube started to implement its major changes. I decided not to go ahead with Vlogging on the platform. When DTube first came along, I thought what a great idea here we have a platform similar to you tube, where people can create what ever content they like and show it to the world.

When I posted up my first video, months ago it would not load, it would not play, so it kinda put me off the whole thing, and I left Steemit alone for a while.

Remember that I only have been back on the platform for 4 weeks.

And in that 4 weeks, I decided to go full time with Steemit. So every day while I am producing content I think might be worthy, I try to learn a little more every day about how all of this works.

There's feedback and there is feedback.

I decided last night to contact @heimindanger directly on their discord DTube group as I noticed some of my video’s do better than others. And I needed to know why that was, how do they look at content and what they base it on. For example is it the subject, the camera quality, the sound etc?

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I asked @heimindanger, what would be seen as good content to get a larger audience, I actually said votes should not have said that I mean't audeience. I was told they would contact the curator team to find out.
@heiminddanger informed me that DTube has about 4 curators at a time including themselves. I understand that the curators have been changed many times so it's not always the same people. Also. @heimindanger told me that the curators are anonymous so their identity is protected, I could not at this point understand why. But then when they said.....

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I knew I needed to prepare myself.

I am going to post up the pics, of the feedback I received on the discord chat I had. Please be aware that this information was passed to me and it was not from @heimindanger directly. (I speak in the plural because I don’t know if @heimindanger is a man or a woman.
So here is the feedback I received which was passed on to me.

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Here is my response to these comments.

Of course now I understood why the need to be anonymous, after all I am posting this post up now, it might not go down well to name and shame people, of course the platform is there for everyone which means that everyone has the right to an opinon..... including me!!!!
How would you see these comments, its interesting to some they could be seen as a form of bullying somewhat, in general terms if these comments were to be public then it could also be seen to be trolling remarks.
However I cannot make that accusation because they were not said to me directly, but by no means we're the comments constructive.

I need to make a remark about the gay comment!!

I wanted to talk about this issue because I think its important to highlight the importance of words. Now generally today people loosely use the term gay when representing an action or an object and they will make a statement. So they might say That's so gay!!

I would like to share this wonderful video that gives an excellent explanation why you should be careful when using this word.

(Credit you tube)

I just want to say at this point that the comments made, I am not taking personally I can't do that in a sense. But I am alarmed and concerned for the community.

Let's say a person with a mental health illness asked those questions??

So same scenario but the person has deep issues, they might use vlogging as their means of escape and wanting to share their feelings and emotions to the world.
Would those comments have a deeper impact?? The written word is a beautiful thing, but it can also be a deadly thing as well if the comments are not carefully thought out they can represent themselves as insulting or degrading. Hence why I made the point about the use of the word Gay.
I am openly Gay I have no problems with it, with me what you see is what you get, I hid behind a persona of being straight till I was 18 and since coming out, I have never not been myself.

So what if it was a good content creator who is Gay and acts more feminine or masculine in their video's?? Would the content be good, or would it be a write off because of the way someone acts, or the way they look or the way they talk?

Moving on now.

I don't want to make this all about Gay people, or that I am talking all about being cautious about prejudice that is not the whole point I am making here.
There are other comments made which speak for themselves, which I have responded to in my vide. But I have to say that I have lost my confidence in DTube.

What I would like to see happen.

If DTubeare using their voting power to support content creators, this needs to be done in a fair well balanced manner. It is a platform that people are pouring their very souls into. What I would like to see is those with experience of vlogging and promoting video's on a platform to have the ability to curate on DTube's behalf.
Not to use test viewers to decide one who is to be supported on the platform and who isn't and certainly not have people that do not know how to post constructive criticism's and say the first thing in their head without thinking.

DTube has a duty to be transparent, accountable and responsible for those that it supports, it is helpful to the viewer to be able to understand why the post holds so much power. The example I have given today had it not have been me and someone else might have resulted in a far worse outcome.
I personally do not see why the curators have the right to remain anonymous, because when given that right means they think they can just say anything, without considering the possible repercussions of what they have said.
I often wonder also why posts only trend on their voting power, and not for things like most comments reputation etc.

We all as curators have a duty to think before we act, the very fabric of Steemit
relies on a reward structure, but that does not mean to say that those who are not as
good or newer to the platform should be treated with any less respect.

We need to keep sexuality, gender, race and any prejudice out of it.

As I have stated I won't be using the DTube platform after this video if you wish to view my future videos I will be posting them on the DLive platform.

Be careful what you ask for.

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