I was at a social meet-up a few days back where the topic of discussion was forgiveness. I knew of the theme on my way to the venue and was thinking of something. During the meetup, I elaborated on those thoughts and wrote a poem of sorts as I always have my journal on me. I couldn't complete it then so I'll complete it right now while writing this post.
To forgive or not to forgive, that is the question...
So I went with the second option and chose not to forgive...
I felt ecstatic at first...
I had no obligation to even think nicely for that person and could hate him...
I could now take the revenge I wanted to by just hating him...
I held on to that feeling and it grew stronger...
A few days passed and I noticed I wasn't smiling as much...
I took a peek inside my heart and was baffled to see what I saw...
I saw agony increasing with each passing moment...
I saw frustration that kept building up with time...
I saw fury escalating as the clock ticked...
I was hoping to see peace and happiness and liberation, but saw something else...
That feeling hit me hard...
It showed me what not forgiving was doing to me...
So then I decided to take the other route...
I chose to forgive..
Forgiveness wasn't easy, it never is easy because it isn't meant to be easy...
I tossed and turned for the few first days..
I felt angry too, at myself mostly for how I could allow that person to get away without avenging him...
But then I realized, I was letting myself free..
Forgiving him meant I didn't keep boiling myself...
So I searched for the key of the big lock that I had put on my heart so it couldn't love...
I found the key finally after a hard struggle..
A single attempt at opening the lock wasn't enough..
Rust had built over it because it hadn't been oiled in a long while...
But I kept trying...
One day, the lock did finally open but it then took a little while for it to go loose and free my heart...
And then that too happened...
And on that day, my heart danced..
It flew around and smiled and giggled..
It felt free and happy...
Happiness- yes I could feel that too because now my heart was free..
Free of hate and anguish, pain and negativity, frustration and fury...
I let go of it slowly but I did let it all go...
And that brought me peace...
The poem isn't well-polished, but I like it because that is how I felt when I chose to forgive my father for not being the father I wanted him to and for not being the husband my mother wished for him to be...
What does forgiveness mean to you? How do you feel about forgiving people? Did this poem make you think of the time you had to forgive someone? Looking forward to some interesting answers. And my Steemit family, I have missed you all but now I'll try to be more present here because this is my home..
Love and light,
Here are some of my articles that may interest you:
Sometimes, All You Need to Do is Say No!!
Why You Need to Live for Yourself too and Not Just for Your Kids
My Thoughts on Monster Energy...
Why We Must Take One Goal at a Time?
10 Things I wish I knew Challenge
Going Back to Home Sweet Home (A Short 50 Word Story)
Make Me Smile Challenge- My Son and His Innocent, Witty and Smart Answers
What's the Best Thing a Child Has Taught You??
I Don't Have a Perfect Child and That's Just So Beautiful...
Every Once in a While, it is Okay to Slow Down a Little...
What is Matriarchy? What Do You Think a Matriarchal Society would Look Like- @ecotrain QOTW
How to Keep Your Eyes on the Goal...
A Discovery I made about Myself with Self-Awareness...
Celebrate the Inner You- Happy Women's Day!
When Things Don't Go as Planned...
After Deep Darkness Comes a Beautiful Dawn...
Something to Think About- Issue #4: A Selection of Amazing and Enjoyable Curated Posts
Stop Listening to People and Focus on Yourself
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Confessions of a People Pleaser...
To Sleep or Not to Sleep, that is the Question....
Parents- Guiding Lights or Dictators?
One Smile and a Deep Breath to Quickly Fight Stress
I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..