Even Monkeys fall from trees 원숭이 도 나무 에서 떨어진다

It's @mineopoly with week 2 from The Groovy School

inviting you to join a virtual adventure of community, curation and enlightenment. I get paid to go to school. I'm a teacher and I think everybody should get paid to go to school. That's why I opened Groovy School. Every day we learn something new and everybody who participates gets paid. If you participated last week you can check your wallet and find that you got paid. (Awards Post)

image.png artwork @abdullar

Monday's lesson is: Wisdom

The best place to look for wisdom is Proverbs. We will look at ancient Chinese and Korean proverbs for Wisdom class.

Today's wisdom comes from an Ancient Asian proverb:

원숭이 도 나무 에서 떨어진다
wonsung-i do namu eseo tteol-eojinda
"Even Monkeys Fall From Trees"

Japanese and Chinese coutesy of @grisotti
猿も木から落ちる [saru mo ki kara ochiru)
[zhìzhěqiānlǜ, bìyǒuyīshī]

It means that everyone makes mistakes

even the masters. I work hard to make my posts stand out but I find barriers. I am finding more that Steemians cannot be perfectionists. Mostly we are presenting works in progress. There will be mistakes in posts. It is good to laugh and keep posting.

One example of myself the monkey falling out of the tree was making a post in the tag #writting. I am a native English Speaker and college graduate but mispelled "writing". The tag called #writting will never go into the #writing tag. It is just a tired monkey making a spelling error. The topics selection have no spell check.


Surprisingly the #writting tag even though spelled wrong is filled with posts that get payouts better than most of mine.

Writing in a second language is a real challenge. I am a native speaker of English and still make mistakes. I commend all Steemians who are trying to communicate using a second language here. We will all make mistakes but there is not excuse not to learn from our mistakes. Watching the Olympics I enjoyed the Aerial sky jump. A mistake there can not only cost points but can be deadly. I noticed a really cool thing when one athlete fell down after doing a great aerial. She got up and waved. Her mistake didn't get her down. Her coach did not get frustrated. He clapped for her. We are alive today and have a great opportunity to make some mistakes so we can get up and start again.

2018 Olympics photo by David Kenyon

Now you may be wondering how to enroll in Groovy school. Well, I've got news for you. You're already enrolled!!





Students give proof of comment.


Just make a comment.

Your comment will get some upvotes.
Post a link to your own blog post about wisdom and one student will win a free resteem. Groovy students who get more upvotes will get a special reward.

Teachers give proof of upvote:


Upvote as many comments as you like. Say something encouraging to today's students and show them some love.

I love you all ♥

Stay Groovy,


mining the heart

The Groovy School

My goal is to use the proceeds from Groovy School to help kids who fall into the cracks. Even in a rich country not all the students get the things they really need. Especially I want to support kids with dyslexia and dyscalculia to receive therapy.

Do you sometimes feel like a monkey that fell out of a tree?

Name one thing you are good at but still make mistakes.

Feel free to comment.

Link any post about wisdom in the comments so we can learn together.

Or just make any comment as long as you are learning.

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