After 36 Days | What was my experience like on Steemit?

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This is my first VLOG about Steemit a social media platform that is built on the blockchain. Here I talk about what registration is like for me, and what I think should be improved in terms of usability and user experience. This is from my perspective as someone who has only been using the platform for 36 days now.

Please forgive me though for being confused with time. I said good morning at the start of the video and then said tonight a few seconds later, and did it again at the end of the video. Haha. 😜

That's what you get for working on graveyard and sleeping in the morning, your sense of time just goes haywire. I'll try to be more aware and careful on my next videos.

Hope you'll watch this video until the very end though. And leave me some comments and maybe virtual hugs below. 👇

Thank you so much for supporting my contents through upvotes. I really appreciate it.


Power House Creatives _night mode.png

Originally posted on @Pinoy.Viajero. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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