The Old Dog Explores: Ridiculous Public Trash Bins! What Do They Really Mean?

The other day I was confronted with a few trash bins with ridiculously small openings! It didn't take me long to understand why they were designed this way and the reason is disturbing!

This Is What I Was Confronted With!

There seems to be a world wide trend to make the openings in public garbage bins smaller and smaller!

This public trash bin in Lugano has a ridiculously small opening. No more practicing your basketball shot!

This opening seems gaping by comparison! The upper opening is for cigarette butts!

What Is The Reason For This?

  • Authorities are hoping that the change in design will discourage the population from putting larger items in, on or around the bins!
  • In Ticino, residents must put garbage out in specially printed bags that can cost up to $5.00 for the large ones. People then try and save money by disposing of their trash in public garbage bins. The small opening stops this practice.

Part of a World Wide Phenomena?

While doing some research for this post I came across an article which explained what they are doing in Hong Kong.

The first phase of the plan by the The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in Hong Kong was to replace 800 public bins with new ones that had openings which are about 50% smaller!

Not everyone was impressed. Ah Sum, who works collecting the trash said: " It's useless. The smaller openings just mean people will throw their rubbish around the bin.” He should probably know because he works in the field every day!

Likely You've Seen This Type of Thing Before! Very Sad Indeed!

This image from is an all too familiar sight!

What Do You Think?

  • Do smaller openings help things or make them worse?
  • What other solutions could there be?
  • Is there a lot of littering where you live?
  • How can we possibly win this war on trash?

I hope that you found this article on Ridiculous Public Trash Bins interesting!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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