In this series of posts, We will present current feature set that eSteem is offering. And details and usage of presented features. Each post will include gif animation and its explanation to guide reader through the process of using it. Note that these features are being improved constantly, you might notice some changes/addition in future releases.
What's eSteem
For those who find eSteem related post first time and don't know what eSteem is: It is mobile and desktop application for Steem! eSteem is offering some of the unique features (Bookmarking, Post Drafts, Image upload/capture, Personal Gallery, Notifications, many more) for mobile users! Evolution of eSteem desktop app is under development.
eSteem supports multi-currency where you can see post rewards in any currency you like (BTC, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, JPY, KRW, INR, CNY etc.), multi-language (35+) where you can use app in any language you are familiar with, multi-account where you can add more than one account and easily change between accounts, multi-chain where you can use both Steem and Golos chains, multi-notifications where you can get notification for your multiple accounts for following activities Vote, Follow, Unfollow, Mention, Comment, Reblog, Scheduled post publish, etc!
Check out this blog @good-karma for more related posts and latest announcements.
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Animation #1 - Selecting pictures from gallery is simple and very useful. You can straight upload pictures from your gallery to make your posts more catchy and visible!
Animation #2 - Capturing pictures is very handy here. You don’t need to close the app, you can easily capture images through app. So if you notice something beautiful or interesting you would like to share, just point camera and instant share moments with few phrases. It is that easy.
Thanks to my brother @pjo for helping out with recording animations!
Download app today
Google Play - Android - v1.4.5 | AppStore - iOS (iPhone, iPad) - v1.4.5 |
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All future posts related to eSteem feature set will be tagged as #esteem-features.
Other Feature Set posts
Feature Set #1 (Login, Quick Look)
Feature Set #2 (Filter posts, Post details, Card/Compact view, Search)
Feature Set #3 (Submit posts, Read post, Read comments, Easy access)...
Feature Set #4 (Gallery View, Tags Surfing, Payout Types, Transfer Assets)
Feature Set #5 (Bookmarking, Draft, Followers, Market)
Feature Set #6 (Profile Details, Avatar Picture, Cover Picture, Profile Navigations)
Feature Set #7 (Select Image, My Images, Manage My Images, CopyPaste Image)
Feature Set #8 (Escrow Transfer, Escrow Search, Escrow Actions)
Feature Set #9 (Voters info, Day and Night mode)
Feature Set #10 (Change Language, Change Currency)
Feature Set #11 (Login with QR code, Add multiple accounts)
Feel free to reach out us at [email protected]
if you have questions, issues, suggestions, etc.
Translation contribution and reward giveaway is also growing quite fast and we have over 170 contributors and 44 languages are ready to go out with upcoming release. You all are awesome!
Feedback loop and reward encouragement is going great! Thank you for everyone for giving valuable feedbacks and issue reports, couldn’t have done it without you! Due to voting power deplete we might pause this experiment at any time without any notice.
Finally, another way for you to earn extra reward while enjoying your mobile experience is eSteem spotlight series where you will get change to be highlighted as top users of a month on eSteem.
NB: Release v1.4.6 is scheduled to come out this week. Stay tuned!