June 12 th - Why is being a Dolphin is so important to me -


Before I do anything else , let me give a big shout out to “steemitboard” who took the extra step with technical support. Thank you

WHen I joined steemit there was no way to become a Dolphin without a massive investment. ($35,000)
Not long ago the price of Steem slowly dropped all the way down to $0.25.
This put Dolphin level within reach for all . I purchased Steem every month all the way down the drop. Except the past couple months due to My current situation.
That’s the HOW.
With one small issue that is ;

I did not achieve Dolphin 🐬 . Do not think that I was or involved in the leadership to achieve this. I can not express this enough . I have had a delegation from week 3. You can look it up. With all the support and knowledge that people took charged to make this account happen is unbelievable.
I can not put how important it is that you think I had a roll in others work. When I did not . You do not take credit for others work .
Also you are getting into my relationship with me and my God. If you want to know , ask .
I hope you understand.

Dolphin status does put you in a whole new light.
It also gives you more influence on the platform in Vest.
A larger group of individuals to support.
To support the community where needed to include individual accounts.

I think I am on track again .
Its 5:42am I did get a couple hours sleep.

It will be a slow day
Occupational therapy 2pm at the house.
Victor/pastor will be by 3 pm. I like my little buddy

The question is who is this good looking guy
My son made a comment about my hat. More so the bling. So I think , not sure, about the units and things to put on the hat. They get courious . They have a lo of incomplete information. I gave him a list of units I have been in. It is never a competition. My brothers have a great understanding but others look at it as an individual achievement. There is never an “ I “.

Its 8am . I think i just woke up again. Maybe I slept for an hour or so. With the steriods, sleeping is a problem. One of these days we will just sleep for a long time. I can’t wait.
@adenijiadeshina you re correct in your assessment. How you stated it caused me the confusions.

Its 09:30am they are starting to get up around here. Coffee is being made :-)
Ooohh fresh peach ohh so good.
We got a call from the social worker. I think it was , i can’t stop eating these peaches 🍑. They will be here by 12 noon

After my apointments tomarrow Rob will run down to Lawton Oklahoma and pick up our grandson . He will stay for a week or more.
My oldest will fly in from NYC on Wednesday. He will stay for , no time limit .

Social worker should be here any moment.
Do you prefer this motor or the other way. Let me know. I like this way better because its a hole bunch of independent bullet comments. And I can flow in and out. Ahaha I could use a good laugh about now.

1202 pm
Just got off the phone with someone who is doing the transportation part of this . They have good hearts and intentions. As you know I have been with the VA for years. The changes or services they are now providing are unbleaveable. So much improvements. They are trying to get the procedures and policies in place. This is a nice ting to see because its the future merging into the now. This is a direct result of President Trump. I would take any help even from a Wookie tat helps our VETS.

Lets cover something else ( Calm and patience )

It can appear that everting is moving at lighting speed. That’s because it is. LOL
Every thing has changed due to the tumors on the brain. But remember we have been doing this since September, 10 months ago.
Tings go in spurts. And so does The treatments.
The rule of thumb would be “ calm and patience “

If you get emotional and all upset it is not worth the effort. Put barriers up, get through things with the least amount of effort. Your mental state maters. Keep it healthy.

Its 1615 - 4:16 pm
Therapy is done.
We seem to be done for the day. Nice.
The VA disapproved assistances personnel from helping, or they will not pay for them. The VA pays for fully trained therapist . That’s a good thing. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are our days for therapy.

Big day tomorrow.
Blood test.
Right now that is all I will say about it. I need to keep my head in the game.

Take care of your families.


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