Tonggeret-Animal Life

Hello best regard for you all.
Today I want to share my contribution to @photocontests under category #animalphotography that sponsored by @juliank.

I find these animal just now when I was going to the bathroom,I saw it Attached to the leaf surface.Let me explaine you about this animal. ![image](
This a ***Tonggeret***. Tonggeret is one of kind insect that has loud sound and lasts long enought.It is belong to ***subordo cicadomorpha***,if we look it closer,it's shape looks like a big flies. ![image](
Tonggeret only out when entering the dry season,because the appearance of these insects signifies the rainy season will be end. ![image](
His loud sounds are used to attrack the attention of female,besides that his sound can also stimulate the leaves to open the mouth of the leaves or stomata wider, so it can help maximize absorption of nutrients through dew. ![image](
This is very helpful to farmers to increase plant growth,but unfortunatelly the life of tonggeret is very short,they live only a few days.

Thanks for stop and reading my post.

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