When I heard Ethereum was climbing...📈 : meme (original work) 😂


This evening, I went indoor climbing and I saw a volume (a feature of the wall that can be used to aid you in ascending the route, but isn't one of the colored 'holds' that you typically use) that instantly reminded me of the Ethereum logo.

Whilst climbing the wall, an amusing idea popped up in my head: that it looked like the Ethereum logo was actually climbing the wall. My creative juices got flowing; I took some inspirations from The Coin Telegraph's anthropomorphised Ethereum logo and roughly threw together this meme.

It just goes to show how beneficial exercise can be - once you get the blood pumping and endorphins flowing, you feel great and you start to become much more positive and creative. I think that it also helps that climbing as a sport also requires quite a lot of analytical and problem solving skills.

I might have a go at improving the drawing at a later date or perhaps make a gif out of it 😊

I hope that you enjoy it!

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