The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part III)

Families all over are being left in shattered pieces because of government-funded Terrorists widely known as "Child Protection Services."

This is the fourth episode of TRUE EVENTS that my dear friend Anna is sharing with us in a Steemit FamilyProtection Series.

My greatest desire is that 2018 will be a year where this most evil of Child Trafficking systems begins to shatter under the weight of public revelations.

** Anna's story continues below.
** Names have been changed to protect both of our families from the very real risk of vindictive retaliation that faces anybody who reveals the dastardly deeds of these government-funded monster agents.


Anna's Family Story Part III ...

Usually when telling people what happened to my family ...
they react as if we had just told them we were abducted by aliens.
-- Total Disbelief --

"No way. Child Protection Workers don't lie!"
"They have standards to uphold. They're accountable."
"They would never rip a family apart for no reason!"


FACT: ...... The CFCSA has a clause which protects Social Workers.
No matter what they do, no matter how wrong and harmful,
they cannot be held responsible for the damage.
All they have to say is that they believed they were acting in the child's best interest,
and POOF! -- The charges of wrongdoing disappear.

There is no remedy through the courts. NONE!



Your Lawyer will not stand up to them. Your lawyer is actually your handler, the one who placates and consoles, but has no real power.

Even Judges have less power than it may seem; they have to operated within the confines of legal precedent.

Our case actually set a new legal precendent.

I was arrested on the charge of "Obstruction of Justice" for writing in my diary.

The Visit Supervisor took my diary from my bathroom, and the following day, police came with a search warrant and took from my home every scrap of paper with my handwriting on it. They took away all of my documentation of our involvement with the Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD), every interaction -- times, dates, names ...

They took it all. Made copies of "everything" for "evidence," ... except that bits went missing. Somewhere between the seizure and disclosure, anything that was any indication of a breach of trust or misuse of authority, VANISHED!

Pages and pages of documentation mysteriously disappeared.

My lawyer saw it. She saw where the writing ended in a sentence fragment, the next word should have been on the next page, but wasn't there! There was no continuity in the dialogue. My lawyer took it up with the Prosecutor.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We gave you everything we have," he said. He wasn't lying. The 'edit' came before the papers were forwarded. My lawyer showed him the sentence fragment, and he looked rightly perplexed. But there was no way to retrieve what was lost.

What did I write, that warranted a criminal conviction?

It wasn't so much what I wrote, but rather what my daughter wrote:


She wrote that in my diary to get a message to me, because we weren't allowed to discuss anything about the case during our limited Supervised Visits.

And up to that point, I wasn't sure ... Until I saw that little scribble, I didn't know ... Was he guilty? Was he really a monster? I had sent him away ...



"I don't know what you've done, but you have to leave."

After grilling my 9-yr-old for four hours, the police concluded they had no evidence to lay a charge. But the female worker sent to "investigate" felt differently. She spoke with me alone in a room at the police station.

I wanted to know what my daughter had said. But the worker wanted me to know how she knew my husband, Chuck.

She had been their caseworker after Ben's mother had died. She said she'd always been uneasy in Chuck's quiet presence. As she spoke, I couldn't help noticing her body language, how as she crossed and uncrossed her legs, she seemed to be deliberately flashing me.

"Do you dress like that when you talk to young men Ben's age?" I blurted out. "I mean, I can see your snake-print panties ..."

To my amazement, she smiled.

"Listen Anna. The only reason I'm not a lesbian is that I haven't found a woman who turns me on ... yet." And she flashed me again.

Dumbfounded, I told her I loved my husband. At that moment, one of the police officers who had questioned my daughter, came into the room and stood in the doorway.

"So, what should I do?" I asked them both.

"Well," the worker answered as she stood up, " I definitely think Chuck should leave."

"Should I stay in touch with him?" I had no clue.

"Of course!" the worker said, as if reassuring me.

The Police Officer spoke up with a French-Canadian accent: "It would probably be a good idea. We may have to talk with him ..."

"Oh, and Anna ..." the worker added solemnly, "Whatever you do, DO NOT try to discuss this with Lisa. She's too fragile, and she's already been through so much ..."

"Okay ... but, what did she say?"

"Anna, she said Chuck is a very bad man."

So when the Social Worker drove us home, I immediately told my husband he had to leave our home.

If they can separate you, they will.
If they can get family members alone ...
if they can sow suspicion, fear, uncertaintly
... that's their goal.

Do not let them get your child alone, or talk to spouses separately.
HOLD HANDS. Keep your children in physical contact with you.
Teach your children to say: "You are a stranger. I don't want to talk to you."

My daughter had a strange reaction that day when I told her my husband had to leave. She jumped into his arms and said,


In the months that followed, that reaction of hers caused me to wonder -- would a child act like that toward their abuser?

I stayed in contact with Chuck, just enough to always know where he was, and told the police when they asked me. I did nothing whatsoever to protect him, and complied with every instruction from MCFD.

When they took my daughter,
the reason they gave the court was
that I REMAINED IN CONTACT with the perpetrator
and continued to protect him.


to be continued ...

"Write it down! Don't let your story fade away unheard, unknown!"
(Anna's close friend, Hazel)


This account of TRUE events that took place 11 years ago and was written by my friend, Anna.
It is the fourth in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag. Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children.

Read the earlier issues of the FamilyProtection Series Below:

When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted -- Tammy's Story
The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Anna's Story Part I
Healing Families Destroyed by CPS -- Anna's Story Part II


Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.

Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection


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