My son was Taken away by CPS!

image credit @tecnosgirl

When a mother comes to the DCF to get help for her child, who is in need of services, [CHINs] in the technical terms, usually she would expect to be helped right then and there to stop any further issues. RIght? Wrong! I went to "them" when my son was in the 5th grade, he was having behavioural issues and he needed help. I tried to put him on the probation program here, but the day I went in they were closed. So that is why I went to DCF because it is in the same campus. I wanted, needed help. He needed me to find him help. So I did what I thought best. I took him into the CPS office to find it. We were being told they couldn't do anything. I told them I will not leave until I talk to someone about our troubles. That is what you are here for, to service society, you are social services, please help serve our family. I was taken to the back to talk to their counselor, I told her of the issues my son was having. She took all the info down she needed to get him going in counseling, i filled out paperwork. They told me they would start comingto the school to talk to him, because I figured, since it was a school issues, we could ALL work together to get things going to get my son on the right page so to speak. Well the counselor came to the school two times, nothing more nothing less. She never called me to tell me this or that. I never heard anything again, My son told me she only came to the school the two times and was not really helpful. I moved and took him to another school in town, there, he was a different student, never in trouble, did his work, no problems. Even came in 2nd on the school spelling bee! He was doing better, so I thought.

Then we get to sixth grade, I moved us to an even better school district, he was upset it wasn't with the same kids he had already known. I started getting phone calls from the school no sooner than he started. He was telling me he would do whatever it took to get kicked out of that school! I worked with the school once again trying to come up with a plan to help him want to apply himself. He got in so much trouble, he was basically taken out of school because I was not able to get in and go to work, or I would get phone calls telling me to come pick him up he is at it again. I stopped working, and have not been back to work since, this was the beginning of last year. I finally just had enough, and no one was helping our family, as many of you may know I just now finally got my license for the first time, and I didn't have a car, where I moved to is not quite on the bus line, and I have lung problems that have been steadily getting worse as time goes by, so I was limited not by anyone, but by myself, I did this. I was the blame. I wanted to help that is all.

I put my son in homeschooling. I signed him up for an online learning curriculum and at first, last year, it went well. He did what he was supposed to do and still had behaviour issues, but wasn't as defiant. Then he started getting in trouble with the police. I asked for help, I begged for help. WHAT CAN I DO? PLEASE HELP ME? I would get the referalls to all the departments locally who could offer help. I called plenty of them. I didn't call however, the meridian services because I do not want my son to be treated with psychotropic drugs. I do not believe they help I do not want my son to be a zombie, I want my son to be in good health, able to think freely. I want him to be helped. I kept asking each department. and each department would try to refer us to Meridian Services. i WOULD NOT COMPLY! My brother was on Ritalin as a child and he got worse as time went by, I do not want that to happen to my son.

This year he has been in trouble in more ways than I can count. I am now being held on neglect charges for his not attending school, even though I provided information to the case worker that he was enrolled in an online program. That was not discussed in court yesterday. My son was taken from me and placed in the YOC, now they are telling me he can't go to their school because he doesn't go to any of the local schools. So I asked them why are they putting him more behind, just to once again be waved away. I am fighting with myself right now about this. Yes, he has behaviour issues, yes, he had school issues. Yes, he needs help, which I came to find on our own with no results. So here we are facing these charges. I was told we were going to court over his behaviour, but nope, it was against me. Now they are trying to get my and his absent father on child support! I'm over fighting. I wanted help when I went through their doors two years ago.

So now I am trying to find out what to do. My family is hurting right now. I can barely function, I have never been away from my child like this. Not able to see him, not able to hold him or say I love you. I just wanted to help him get better. I finally got my car and the day I was legally on the road. I got the call to bring him in for a discussion, which again was tricked into. I was told it was to come up with a plan for him. If I would have known it was to remove him from my care under the pretenses of neglect, I would have never walked in those doors. I am so angry, my thoughts are all over the place, as you can see.

At court my voice wasn't heard. I was told to shut up more than 5 times. I was threatened with contempt. I was told by the CPS worker, who I was friends with in school, that this was all about his behaviour, just for the lie to continue, she needed log in information for his schooling. At that moment when we first made contact with her I could not provide it. I did however, get it over to her through an email with all the detailed assignments and attendence. That was not in her report, she never spoke of my getting her the information, then I tried to tell the judge I sent her emails of this information just to be told to shut up or I would be arrested. Of course, I didn't think I needed a lawyer at this time. I was dead wrong, and the thing is I knew better in the back of my mind, but thought I was going to be ok, that finally we were getting the help we needed. It could have been done so differently.

I have two children at home, one is in YOC, one is home, I feel this way, why is one child removed and not the other? If I am neglectful to one, would I not be to the other? It just doesn't make sense, the only thing I can think of is the funding they would get for him being both a CHINs and a "juvenile delinquint". The town we live in is ran by the justice system. It is corrupt and has been proven with many of the officers of the law and within the politics of it all. I am stuck wating for an answer yet again. I feel I was lied to just so they could get my son out of the home. Again, I do not deny he had problems. I do not deny he needed help. That is what I wanted all along. I asked them if we could come up with a better plan and not have him removed, that I finally have the means to get him around to find the real help. I was told to shut up again. I was treated like I had just murdered my child, not brought him to get help.

My heart is too full right now. I know this is not the details of everything, but this was all on my heart and I need some insight from the people on steemit who I know can help with something, an answer, a link. something. I am asking you to help me not with finances but with compassion and loving support. I need to know what to do next.

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