Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold who had their two children stolen by the state.


There are not many parents that have the courage to speak out in public when their children are taken into care. These parents are usually under gagging orders and are afraid if they do speak out it will be seen as contempt of court and that they will lose their children forever.

But there are exceptions and early 2013 we were asked to film and interview two parents who wanted their story to be heard but wanted to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. We will call them Jill and Harold.
Jill and Harold have two children: a 2 year old boy and a 3 year old girl at the time they were taken into care. Their story provides an unique insight in the dirty tricks that the SS or CPS are playing to kidnap children and leave the parents helpless and in despair.

The video was filmed with a strong backlight to black out the parents faces. The voices have been altered to make them unrecognisable. Their voices sound strange but it is their story which is important.

What follows is not a transcript of the video but a general outline of their story as told by the parents.

The children were taken into care early 2011 on the grounds of alcohol and drugs abuse. But there was no misuse of drugs and alcohol. The mother was receiving medical treatment from the doctor. And both parents underwent a "liver functioning test". But the judge looked at it and simply put it aside, saying that it doesn’t mean anything. They then offered to have an hair strand test done to test for drugs. But the judge simply said no. Most likely because that would help the parents in their case.

According to the parents they were telling the truth throughout the proceedings but the SS, the guardian and even the judge were caught lying. The social worker was caught lying under oath. She said that she didn't realise that the parents were paying for their own counsellor while it was in several statements made to the court. So she either not read them and discarded them or she was lying in court. Still all evidence provided by the SS was accepted by the court.

The three year old girl told her parents that she was bullied by the foster parent and her sons. The response of the social worker was that the little girl was lying, spiteful, cruel and manipulative.

The mother was accused of hurting her children. This was a lie according to the mother. The social worker manipulated the reports to convince the judge that the mother was harming her children.

Unfortunately the mother was pregnant when her children were taken from her. She was told that her unborn baby would be taken at birth as well. Not being able to handle this horrible prospect the parents decided to have an abortion. During that time the social worker was pregnant as well. And during the final hearing when the SS presented their evidence, which were mainly lies, the social worker was laughing and rubbing her belly as to say: I’ve got my baby and you don’t.

The SS arrived at the parents house, with two police officers, at 5 o’clock in the morning to hand over the court order to arrive in court at 10 o’clock the same day. There was no time to prepare or find a decent solicitor. During that hearing, in which the judge decided that the children were taken into care, the social worker was laughing and putting lips gloss on. Showing that they don’t care about the children.

During the proceedings the parents decided to go on a parenting course and were initially accepted. But after the SS spoke to the people who ran the course, the parents were told that it was pointless to continue because the children were being put up for adoption. This was before the final hearing.

Before the SS took their children into care, Harold and Jill were going a bit through a rough time. Of course they argued like all couples do, that doesn’t make them bad parents. The SS told them to separate, clearly with the idea that the mother alone might provide a more stable home to raise the children.In the guardians report, the guardian wrote that Jill told her that if she could not have her husband, that she didn’t want her children at all. This was a barefaced lie. Jill even stood up in court and said that if the judge was not happy with her husbands progress, she was more than willing to separate for a while. The children could then live with the mother under a supervision order while the father was slowly rehabilitated back into the family. The judge said: how do we know that you don’t slip him in through the back door when we are not looking. So, one moment they ask them to separate and the next moment it doesn’t make any difference because you might slip your partner in through the back door.

More than a thousand children a month are taken away from their parents for emotional abuse or the risk of emotional abuse. The SS not only takes these children into care based on these, often false, allegations but also without the possibility to reintegrate the child back into the family. Jill’s children often asked their mother to take them home. To come and pick them up when the foster parents are sleeping. The day that they took the children they literally had to rip them from the mother. And while she was leaving the office of the SS, Jill could still hear them screaming: Mommy, mommy, don't go, don’t go. The social worker later admitted, on recording, that what they did, the day that they took the children from the mother was emotional abuse.

The SS won’t admit they took the children from a happy stable home. The SS claims that they operate in the best interest of the child and that they take the children’s views into consideration. But they don’t. The little boy was told that he would get a “forever mommy and daddy”. That he would never see his parents again. The 2 year old boy is now crying all the time and asking for his mother. The little girl was ever so outgoing and bubbly but now she is quiet and introvert and won’t talk.

In the child’s best interest. No, in the interest of money and jobs. When the two children are adopted the adoption agency receives 65.000 GBP per child. That’s a 130.000 GBP for their two children. This has to stop.

This story will sound all too familiar for people who know what's going on within the CPS and the SS. I think it's very important to hear it from parents who actually had their children kidnapped and that this is not just a conspiracy theory. This happens on a daily basis and it's a big money making machine that primarily preys on the weak and vulnerable.

An online catalog where you can pick your future child.

This story will be in three parts. In the next part Jill and Harold discuss

  • Why the SS don't look at children who do need extra care
  • That they (the parents) have a catalog at home which advertises their children
  • How they tried to trick the parents into signing blanc forms

And many other wrongdoings that show that the SS cannot be held accountable and can get away with anything.

I would like to thank @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut, who run @familyprotection for the great work they do to make this community unstoppable. It's my hope that FP will become one of the biggest, strongest and most supportive communities on Steemit. Thank you for this great initiative.

Much love,



Ps. 50% of the earnings of this post will be donated to @familyprotection

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