Fusion Festival and Goosebumps

Ever spend four days at a festival? With more than 15 outdoor stages, and even more indoor stages? With enormous amounts of art, from digital to metal, from fine to rough, from analogue to electronic? With enormous amounts of great, openminded and crazy people? With more than 100 hours none-stop music?

Well: I just left one behind: Fusion Festival in Lärz Germany!

What a crazy time we had! So much impressions! So much energy! So many new discoveries! Being a regular, this festival still amazes me every single time!

When I started writing this post, I wanted to describe my experiences at Fusion. But, after at least 20 times trying, I had to decide to forget about it! The Fusion experience is something one need to get first hand. When you love Music; When you are Openminded; When you love Art; Fusion is simply a MUST DO!

Start with checking out some photographs:

Then the Website:

Although I'm not able to put my experiences in writing, I am able to bring you one of my new discoveries in technoland. Jennifer Cardini. She played at one of my favourite stages: Turmbühne... the stage I personally call: Sturmbahn, since this stage hosts only techno artists with the beats rolling and rolling from a massive speaker system for more than 4 days without a break (well, technically every 24 hours, this stage breaks for 1 hour to tidy up the dance floor, but who counts that). Once I had my tent setup not even 100 meters behind the dance floor and together with the sunrise functioned as my alarm clock, breakfast and more. But that is a story for another post.

Miss Jennifer: as mentioned, a new discovery. This started with a good friend telling me a personal experience he had with her (euhmmm, yep personal, so I shall keep it like that); Leading into her opening track: deep, dark, rolling; At 1 o'clock in the morning; Accompanied by great laser show, fireworks and all.

Goosebumps time!

Below an earlier recording, since no Fusion set online (yet)

© Jennifer Cardini (source)

Artist: Jennifer Cardini
Set: Correspondant Boiler Room
Year: 2017
Country: France

source soundcloud

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