Confusing Earth - Chapter 10: Currant

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Chapter 10: Currant

Jack hobbled around, feeling as if he were about to burst. He looked around the shops.
‘Where are there toilets in this place?’ he wondered. He looked left. No use. Just a place that random poor quality knickknacks could be bought in. He looked right. That was no use either. There was only a place full of inferior creatures to the humans, with a young human female standing at the window gawking at these inferior creatures. Jack realised one of those creatures was a furry thing like the creature that accosted him the other day when he got hit by the primitive spaceship. It was much smaller though. It was almost kind of sweet looking. It was good.

‘No’ thought Jack, ‘No time to admire creatures that are inferior to us humans, the dominant life force on Earth. I’m on the cusp of exploding from a need to dispose of liquid waste. Nobody wants my liquid waste and body interior splattered all over the walls of this place to exchange money for objects. Especially not me.’ Jack hung his head disappointed.
‘I won’t find a place in time’ he thought, ‘I guess this is the end. I’ll die by exploding due to too much liquid waste’. Then Jack looked up, straight forward. He smiled. Ahead there was a shop full of furniture. He crutched towards it, as fast as his crutches and legs could take him.


He got into the shop and saw a desk.
“A desk” he squealed, “Something the same as our original home. We have that type of furniture at home too.” A woman walking past stared at him. Jack quickly headed onwards, screwing his face up as the pressure got too much. He ended up further in the shop where there were hand washing devices like they had in their room where the shower is, showers and right in the middle of it all, toilets. Jack went up to a toilet, unzipped his pants and started to dispose of liquid waste. He let out a sigh of relief as he did. Then he heard a cough. He looked and saw a young boy standing nearby him, staring.
“Why don’t you just take a holo-shot?” snapped Jack, “It would last longer.”
The boy ran away. Jack finished and zipped his pants up and tried to flush the toilet but it did not flush. Jack hobbled out of the shop and reached the counter on the way out. He addressed the man working at the counter.
“Sir, your toilets in the middle of the shop aren’t flushing” said Jack before he left the store. The guy looked at him leave and then back towards the bathroom section. He started to feel faint.
‘Oh no’ he thought, ‘It’s happened again.’


Bella, Max, Maree and Liam sat on a bottom holding device outside of the shop they bought their stuff from. Max was immersed in his print communication with females on it. Liam sucked on his sucking device. Max looked up from his print communication to talk to Bella who was biting her lip.
“I’m sure he’s fine Bella” said Max, “If we stay here, he should come back and we will meet up again. If we go looking we will all get lost.”
“I know” said Bella, “I just hope he is okay. I should have got the number for his mobile so I could ring him on mine.”
Bella, Maree, Max and Liam waited. Bella opened up some of Jack’s confectionery nutrition and they consumed some of that.
“This stuff is very good tasting” said Bella, “It’s making me feel something I can’t explain.”
“It is nice” said Max, “Mind you just about anything beats nutrition remains.”


Jack walked around the shop and stopped at the place where you could exchange money for subordinate beings. He went in there and looked at the infantile furry things. They were so sweet. He came out a moment later with one in his arms and the knowledge that it was called a dog. He kept crutching, more awkwardly now there was a dog in the mix, through the shop. He went back to where him and his family bought all the stuff before and found his family laid out on a bottom holding device outside of it, with confectionery nutrition wrapping surrounding them. Jack reached them. Bella gasped as she saw the dog in Jack’s arms.
“What have you done Jack?” she asked.
Jack looked at all the wrapping on the bottom holding device and floor.
“What have you all done?” he retorted.
“We got to where we felt we needed some nutrition” said Bella, “You were gone for a while. Where did you go?”
“I needed to dispose of liquid waste” said Jack, “Now can someone please take our dog because it is hard to walk carrying it and now I need to go back into that money exchange for goods place to get more confectionery nutrition for dinner since you decided to eat it rather than save it for dinner like you should.” Bella took the dog from Jack. She sat down and Jack went back into the shop. Bella felt guilty. She looked at the wrappers for the confectionery nutrition. Milk chocolate, hazelnut and black currant, white chocolate, chilli, peanut, honeycomb. It was all so yummy. It would have been good nutrition for dinner. And they collectively ruined it. The dog licked Bella’s arm. She looked down at it. It looked up at her innocently. Jack came out of the shop with heaps of confectionery nutrition.
“We’ll be set for dinner for a few weeks now I think” said Jack, “Now, how about we go home?”
“Okay” said Bella standing up. She passed the dog to Max and then picked Liam up.
They started to head home but partway along the way Jack made them stop.


There on the path, was an abandoned, clearly lost, pink mobile phone. Max picked it up.
“We will have to find the rightful owner of this” said Jack, “We will have to study it once we get home to work out who its rightful owner is.” They walked and limped home. Once they were home, Maree went to her room and Max went to his. Bella and Jack sat down at the table and Liam sat on the floor sucking his sucking thing. An hour later, Maree came out with a heap of paper in her hand and a pen.
“What’s that thing?” asked Jack, pointing at the pen.
“It’s a writing mechanism” said Maree, “I ducked back into the shop while you were disposing of waste and bought one. This paper has been sent through a portal from Banbazoia. It is a replica of forms for the schools nearby here that me and Max will go to. I have completed them and we need to drop them in to the schools tomorrow so we can shortly start our education.”
“Okay” said Jack.
“That’s not all though” said Maree, “I will require more paper and some information from all of you by the end of the month to report back about our progress on this mission. Please take notice of experiences you have while we are down here in order to assist with our reporting requirements.”
“Okay Maree” said Bella.
“Okay” said Jack, “It is clear there is something else we need to do then. We have to start using the primitive holo-screen that is in this house. You two need to learn how to fit into a schooling environment. I require both of you to watch docu-holograms on the primitive holo-screen so you can learn how a human would behave in school.”
“Okay Jack” said Maree, “I will let Max know.” Maree walked off. Jack and Bella looked down at Liam and at the dog lying on the floor.
“What should we name her?” asked Jack.
“I don’t know” said Bella, “I still can’t believe you bought it. It’s really irresponsible when we hardly know what we’re doing on this planet to add a dependent lower creature to the mix.”
“I know” said Jack, “But isn’t she cute? Couldn’t you just eat her up?"
"Not really" said Bella "I don't want fur on the red thing in my mouth.”
“I think we should call her Mandy” said Jack, “Mandy the dog.”
“Okay” said Bella.
Jack yelled at Maree and Max to come out to the table. They started to eat a dinner of confectionery but then the pink phone started to ring.

Chapter 9: Reliable: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-9-reliable

Chapter 8: Caressing: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-8-caressing

Chapter 7: Shades: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-7-shades

Chapter 6: Wonder: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-6-wonder

Chapter 5: Stepping: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-5-stepping

Chapter 4: Stench: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-4-stench

Chapter 3: Value: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-3-value

Chapter 2: Launch: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-2-launch

Chapter 1: Splash : @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-1-splash









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A POST BY SOMEONE ELSE YOU MIGHT FIND INTERESTING: @thewisesloth/resources-for-writers-obsessed-with-plot-structure

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