It was just over 2 months ago now when I proudly announced that I had lost over 20lbs for a weight loss challenge at work. Check it out HERE.
I was so excited that I even publicly committed in a post HERE to fulfilling one of my goals to run a marathon next May. I was going to start running and training hard again and was hoping to get my body back from the old days.
This body you may have previously been subjected too
Well things went off the rails and now I look like this

I'm a little extra red faced, since I just went for an ass kicking run while I was at work in the middle of the night. They are starting to enforce that we take breaks off the unit at nights in a effort to increase morale and I think this is going to be a great opportunity to have some time to fit in some regular running. My cousin has also been nagging me to come over at least once a week and hit the weights over at hit place. So hopefully it's all coming together now. I've also been nagging him to blog so we'll see how it goes.
My weight has swelled back up to 87.8kg or 193lbs. Almost back to where I started, obviously I have't been running and
my diet has got out of control again, and once again it's the same damn thing. It's night time snacking and stress eating. I need to develop some better habits in the evenings to prevent this. In that past I used to drink tea's in the evening instead and with winter coming hopefully that will be a great fit.
I'm not one to make excuses for myself and one of my favorites quotes I picked up from Jocko Willink on the Tim Ferriss podcast is;
It's not a matter of motivation is a matter of discipline
How can you not get inspired by this bad ass dude!
So it's time to get disciplined yet again and start making some positive habits and removing some negative ones.
I started with this run tonight, (not sure how they calculate this intensity, but it was damn slow compared to what I used to run, at least I was able to jog it out the entire time without having to walk.)
You make muscle in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen
That's another fitness mantra I try to live by as well, so looks like it's time to focus on my diet.
Hopefully I'm still feeling just as disciplined when I get home that I can chuck out the 3 bags of chips my enabling and loving wife bought me after a bad day a few days ago.
In the past I usually follow a modified body-for-life or slow-carb-diet. Mostly because they both include a cheat day which seams to work well for me. So maybe I'll save those chips for then.
I'll likely take some detailed measurements at home later as well as my BP and resting heart rate. I think these are all good markers of overall health and not only body weight.
I'll also try to actually keep up with posting my progress as promised before as well, so please go ahead and follow me and drop some reminders if you haven't seen anything in a while.
I think I should add recovering fatty to this great banner by @bearone