Greetings, Steemians!
It's time for another update on the FITNESSCHALLENGE I joined ... a while ago. @phelimint is running the challenge. You can find his most recent update post HERE. Feel free to join! There are still 7 weeks left!
You can also view my Starting Stats and see embarrassing pictures of me HERE, and my first and second Update Posts HERE and HERE, and finally a relatively lengthy backstory of my health history HERE. Don't worry, it's still pretty funny. ๐
On to the update!
I didn't do very well the last couple of weeks.

Everything kind of got off track. Normally, if you've been following me, I would be updating you with the sweet, sweet charts and calendars I created to help me be more organized and accountable. But... sadly, I just didn't do it regularly the last couple of weeks. I'm not entirely sure why even now when looking back.
Am I fighting against myself? Subconsciously, am I trying to sabotage me?
It really makes no sense. I DO remember having several days of... let's say angst during the last weeks. For example, I would begin to work out and then something in my brain would make me all cranky about it and I would find myself just sadly staring at the wall... instead of exercising. I would suddenly become aware that something in me was fighting me, but that didn't really help me overcome whatever the hell I was feeling.
Anyone else experience this?
Like, you KNOW what's best for you, you KNOW what you want, yet there's something IN YOU that's just being a dick? LOL! Seriously, that's what it feels like. It's very frustrating.

Normally, about here I would share my Water Intake Log, My Fitness Calendar, and Food Log... but not today, sirs, not today. ๐
Saturday is the day I weigh in and take measurements.
Yes, it's Thursday. I was doing other stuff-n-things. ๐ I only weighed myself this week, as I was a little terrified to measure after my assumed failure. Turns out, I somehow lost ANOTHER pound! What?! I'll take it! ๐
I'll be getting back on track in the following weeks. There are only 7 left! I have to really focus and start working MUCH harder if I'm going to complete my goals. I'm pretty worried at this point, but am still going to give it my best... No. I'm going to do it.

I just need to remember WHY I'm doing this.
It IS important. I gotta get my health back. To be fair, I'm pretty healthy, but in general, can do MUCH better.

- I don't want to keep gaining weight as I age.
- I don't want to have more and more issues with my health as I get older.
- I don't want to NOT be able to do what I want.

- I DO want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- I DO want my life to focus on things that make me happy, rather than taking care of illness.
- I DO want to have the ability to climb mountains (if I want), until the day I die.

New here? Wanna know a Steemit Secret? Check out The Secret to Earning Followers by @chrisroberts. He just may be on to something... ๐
Need help formatting your posts? Check out this great (if I do say so myself) tutorial:
Are you stealing Google images?! Learn how to do it LEGALLY:
If you find yourself needing help or just have a question or two, find me on Discord.๐
All images were created/taken by me, or from Bitmoji.com. Make your own today!
As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses ๐