Steem Fitness Challenge! It's on! Get ready.

So the fitness challenge has been one for about one week and it's picking up steem, it's going to be a great way for to help motivate people and stay on track.


The challenge has two different ways to win.

Personal Goals

First you set your own personal goals and pledge any amount of sbd that is going to help to motivate you. If you are able to achieve those goals at the end of the contest you will receive a portion of the "pot" in relationship to your original pledge. For simplicity we suggest the goals be set using the head-to-head competition metrics. But if you prefer to can set any goals (Ie. Improvement in deadlift, or squat), you would still be eligible to win your portion of the personal goals pot, but not the head-to-head pot. Personal goals should have a minimum 5% improvement to be eligible.

Head to Head competition

The second part is a head to head competition between all competitors and the top 3 to make the biggest overall changes among 3 standard metrics will win the remaining portion of the pot.


The Metrics

Percentage Weight Loss

We would just use the total amount lost, divided by starting weight to determine everyone's percentage of loss for comparison.

Resting Heart Rate

I think this is the simplest marker of health and fitness for everyone to use, we would just once again use the percentage of change over the course of the competition.

Running/Exercise Time

I was thinking of lastly using a percentage of improvement to a few standard options for exercise. Like a 5km walk/run (outside/treadmill) or something we decide is equivalent in a swim, bike or any other stationary equipment. Something that takes approx 30 minutes as a baseline. We can use pace or total time to complete or distance covered in 30 minutes or whatever you prefer as long as we keep it consistent for each participant.


The Pot

The funds in the pot will be held by MSP-finance for safe keeping during the contest period, but please send the funds first to @phelimint with the memo-fitnesschallenge. You can start sending payments now. Please send all initial pledge amounts in SBD.

75% of the pot will be used to award all those members that achieved there personal goal by the end of the contest. You potential award will be based on the % your contribution is to the starting pot. (ie 4 members donate a total of 100SBD, and you pledged 10SBD, therefore you are eligible for 10% (of 75%) of the total pot.

25% of the pot will be awarded to the 3 head to head winners. (50% to first, 30% to second and 20% to third) based on all three metrics combined regardless of any initial pledge.

I @phelimint plan to contribute the SBD earnings for all related post to the pot, and anyone else who wishes to do the same is welcome to. We also welcome any additional donations to the pot from anyone, even those not in the contest. It will be a great way to help motivate your fellow steemians and you can watch them all get healthier and fitter. Anyone who does not meet there goal, will forfeit there pledge to the other competitions. Any additional SBD sent during the contest is not added to your pledge amount and does not add to your % when calculating you reward for meeting your personal goals.


Other details

The contest runs for 3 months and will end on the 5th of March 2017. There will be update posts from @phelimint every 2 weeks on a Monday and members will have 3 days to check in, with a comment or post regarding their progress. Comments regarding any lack of progress are also fine, be we do need everyone to check in on a regular basis. There's a bit more information in this contest post HERE as well The first check in post will be in 2 weeks for now, but there may be other lead up posts before then to try to increase interest and competitions. Please feel free to make your own shout out post or resteem this one.

Please send all starting pledges as SBD, other donations can be sent in any currency, but will be converted to SBD at market rates.

Anyone is welcome to join the contest at any time, just add your goals and current metrics in a comment or new post. The contest ends on March 5th, for everyone so I suggest joining sooner rather than later.

Don't hesitate to ask for clarification on anything above.


The competitors.


Starting values of HR 65, Weight 193lbs and run pace of 6:29min/km. (over 5km run)
My goals are a Resting HR under 55, Weight under 180lbs and running pace of 5:30min/km
This would be a percentage of 14.4%, 6.7% and 15.1%.
Pledge 50SBD.


Starting metrics.
Resting HR = 67
Weight = 101.3kg
5km Treadmill Run = 39:31(total time)
Goals are HR-60, Weight 90kg and 5km Run of 34:00 with percentages of 11.6%, 12.6% and 16.2%
Pledge 10SBD.

@byn, @carrieallen, @gniksivart, @dkid14 have all also committing to entering and we are awaiting there info

Otherwise there are a few more people on the fence, but I would strongly recommend joining, it's going to be a fun way to stay motivated, get healthier and make some new friends here on Steemit.

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