The Steemit Fitness Challenge has Finally concluded!

These longs months we've spent at this challenge are now over! How we've grown (well actually shrunk) and bonded. We've learn about ourselves and made some changes. As far as I see it there are only winners in this challenge but alas we need to divide up the pot.


The Contest/Pot

When we started out everyone set there own fitness goals for the contest that they hoped to achieve by today. They everyone pledged an amount of SBD to be held in "the Pot". If you achieved your goal you would be rewarded a portion of the pot equal to your pledge, otherwise you would default this amount to everyone who achieved their goals. As well 25% of the pot would be used as a prize to award the people who made the biggest overall changes.

In the end the pot was 200SBD. With the following pledges;
@phelimint 50SBD
@dkid14 50SBD
@buggedout 10SBD
@byn 10SBD
@carrieallen 7SBD
The additional 73SBD was added by @phelimint for all the post payouts over the period of the contest.

At this time @carrieallen and @buggedout have withdrawn and we are yet to hear an update from @dkid14, but as per the rules he does have 48hrs after this post to check in with his results.

The Results


I have been able to reach my goals, despite some concerns along the way with the running I finally achieved my goal pace and ran a 5:26min/km over 5km and announced it here. Otherwise my weight at conclusion was 179.4lbs (Also cutting it close to my goal of 180lbs). My resting heart rate was actually the quickest to respond which I contribute to muscle memory from my previous years of running and currently 51BPM.

I really should have taken better photos, but there is a taste of my transformation.

My starting metrics were; HR 65, Weight 193lbs and run pace of 6:29min/km. (over 5km run).
To calculate the % change. I subtracted the final from the starting amount then divided by the final amount to get the following changes.

Weight- 7.46%


She was amazing inspiration and motivation during the challenge. She's been on a journey to change her life over the last 11 months, so this was just a small portion of it. You really need to be checking out her blog and following her. She shares her deeply personal journey of lifestyle and attitude change. Sure she's lost a lot of weight, but the more inspiring part is how it's changed her whole outlook on life and self esteem.

Here is her change over the contest period

And the full journey!

Honestly you need to be follower her it's truly inspirational!

Weight: 194lbs
RHR: 84
Fitness: 0 Chin Ups.

GOALS (by March 1st)
Weight: 180 (Achieved)
RHR: 74 (Achieved)
Fitness: 1 (2 Achieved)

Weight: 7.78%
HR: 13.51%
Fitness: ∞
Avg: ∞

We'll wait 48hrs for @dkid14's check in then figure out how to distribute the pot

My Next Plan for Motivation

I do feel much more energized and pleased with my fitness and body as well. I am still hoping to run a full marathon in May and will be happy just to be able to complete it.

I am also waiting patiently for the launch of the GYM Rewards App on May 15th. It is a new cryptocurrency that will be rewarded for proof of exercise. They are currently in ICO stage now, and I have no idea if the tokens will ever have value, but I'm quite excited about the idea if you want to check it out for yourself. Click the banner below with my referral link.

Thanks again to everyone who made this challenge a success and fun to be part of

Footer by @bearone

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