Tacos and chips

Hello Friends!

Today I will make some tacos for Steemit culinary challenge !

I made a Youtube presentation as well but the more detailed recipe is of course here on Steemit!

My ingredients are as follows:

  • minced meat (pig)
  • garlic
  • sunflower oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • spices mix
  • onion
  • chips
  • flour
  • green bell pepper (sweet)

Now In my photos I put in the list lemon too, but during my process I realise I dont actually nead lemon.
The spices mix I used before :

and they contain: rosemary, thyme, pepper, parsley, turmeric, shinduf, basil, thyme, tarragon, salt.

Because they contained salt I did not added extra salt to my mix.

Now little information about the minced meat!

I just took the minced meat and throw it on a hot pan and had a little bit of sunflower oil. I heat it about 5 to ten minutes and boom it is done. Personally I like that my meat to have a brown crust ( brown not black, becase that will be burned) because it gives a stronger taste and binds more better with the other ingredients.

Next part is simple!

Just take some flour and mix with water and put just little bit of sunflower oil inside the mix.

Take a small ball and trow it in the pan, and remember that the goal here is to make them flat not fluffy . The result will be like this:

Now I put the salad and spices over the minced meat:

And I cut into big slices the garlic, onion and the green bell pepper:

I put them in the bowl with the other ingredients and add little bit more chilli and pepper to the mix:

Then I put the bowl in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at 700 W ( No more because I want to leave the taste and strong smell that is naturally in the food)

Now my ingredients look like this :

It is wonderfull believe me!

I add the chips and BOOM : Taco and chips! I am Cynetyc and I approve this message! Cheers!

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