Steemit Culinary Challenge #20 : Chinese Yam Pancake With Rose Flower


This is a simple breakfast . you can easy to do it in any weekday morning. it mainly contains three ingredients, they are Chinese yam, a very high nutrional food, I mentioned it in my previous post , and eggs and milk. Milk has the most comprehensive nutrition in the natural food, but that is not the same as drinking milk will increase your fat. Whether to increase your fat, it depends on total energy during a day and don't care about if you drink milk.

As we all know, it has excellent fullness. Drinking a cup of milk before meals, can effectively alleviate your hunger and reduce appetite. the final total calorie is not higher than when you don't drink .
It is important to note that if you drink milk before going to bed at night, you should reduce the intake of dinner accordingly in order to avoid extra calories .
In this recipe, I add the rose and honey to add flavor, but make sure the rose flower you bought is edible. Do you want to try these Chinese yam pancakes with rose flower? taste very good!
Now let's look at it in detail.

Ingredients (serving 2-3):

Chinese yam 500g
egg 2
milk 1/2 cup
honey 2 tablespoon
rose flower 2 tablespoon
pecan 30g


Soak dry rose 6 hours, wash and remove flower stalk and flower stamen.
These can be made into rose paste.

This time,I used a bit. stir and mix well with honey for at least a whole night.
The longer mix, the better the flavor.
Cut and wash Chinese Yam , put it in a steam pot . cook it for about 20 minutes until soft. Using chopsticks can easily go through it.
In the meantime, peel the cooked pecans. need 2-3 pecans.


peel the cooked yam and mash it with a wood shovel or a fork.

Add 2 eggs, stir and mix well.

Add 1/2 cup of milk, and continue to stir and mix well.

Add cooked pecans, roses .Stir and mix well untill it is flowing and smooth. let the batter rest for 5 minutes.


Preheat a non-stick frying pan over low-medium . add a little oil, pour batter mixture and flat it with a shovel, form a small round pancake.
Reduce the heat to low, fry it about 2-3 minutes until the bottom is solid, turn the other side till golden brown.

One by one , put it in a plate.
Sprinkle chopped pecans and drizzle a tablespoon honey if you like, serve with warm.


The Calories in this recipe is following:

Ingeneral, adult's daily calorie intake should be not less than 800 C, otherwise the body make up for the shortage of energy by lowering phyisical function, and easy to cause dizziness, fatigue etc.

Thank for your reading.
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