Tasty Treat-Assignment, from my L'il Kiddo's School, was a Great Fun & Creativity😊! Final Outcome was Truly Pleasing! Enjoy Watching👍!

Hello! My Today's Post is absolutely DIFFERENT, from my usual, Nature's Posts. It really came as a nice surprise and an amazing creative challenge, when I checked my email, day before yesterday. My L'il Kiddo's school had sent an Interesting assignment as a part of creative & creativity project...called as "Tasty Treat - Assignment"


So, there was this creative .pdf file received from the school and then I downloaded it and took a screenshot to share here. It said, using five ingredients, decorate a cake with the help/assistance from parents and under their supervision/guidance. Interestingly, she is already very fond of doing all these cake decorations and keeps on suggesting me, whenever I and my wife, we bake a cake! Her creative involvement is absolutely must. Sometimes, she takes the charge and then you very well know...how things sometimes come out !!! not as expected to be !!! LOL ! :)

So, here is the screen grab of the .pdf file, as sent by the school. Interesting...Isn't it !!! Ohhh...I forgot to share that she is a part of the "Cook n Bake Club" as an additional learning skills assignment/assessment!

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Alright! It was our responsibility to arrange for the ingredients and we did...some were already there at home and some picked up from the store, nearby!!!



Wonderfully, this is how, it came out to be and let me tell you, honestly...It was absolutely delicious and so yummylicious!!!


We started with melting the chocolate in a small bowl over the hot-water pan and then added some chocolate sauce to prepare a thick consistency. To add a thick layer of it on the chocolate cake sponge, that we had already available with us, luckily!!! & it really saved a lot of additional work for the small yet interesting project!


and then the decoration started, gradually, spreading the thick layer of the chocolate sauce mix on the cake and then setting/arranging the Gems atop, all done by her... sprinkling the sugarcoated fennel seeds and some mouth freshener sprinkled over it ...randomly!!!



Later, she captured some of these shots, took the printouts and pasted it on the assignment sheet and submitted to the Class Teacher, today!!! she said, The Teacher, really got pleased to see the efforts and contributions as made by her on this wonderful "Tasty Treat - Assignment"!


Hope you have enjoyed watching the captures!!!

Wishing you all Good luck, with Lots of Love!!! Cheers!

Blogging…Its Charm & The Reality!!!
Blogging…seems so much fun…!!! Isn’t it! Yes! Ofcourse…it is!...but…trust you me…Blogging is not all that easy…though it seems pretty interesting to get engaged with lot of people on the web. There must be a million sites involved in blogging and all…but I always question how many of them actually produce original quality content that is really beneficial or purposeful… and for some it’s the same content, slightly modified here and there…which is indeed a sad state of affairs!!!
The only thing comes to my mind is Charles Darwin’s Theory which will remain applicable till there is life on Earth!!!
Struggle for Existence…!
Survival of The Fittest…!
Such a Life!!!....You will definitely get noticed…One day!!!...for sure!!!...Till then patiently wait for your turn!!!


Be Different & Distinct from Others!!!...Be Original…Be Creative!!!

Create your own Niche!!!



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