Daily Forex #32 - How I Accidentally Stumbled Into FOREX And Made A Career Out Of It


Not many people know how the real story about how I started trading all those years ago. Today, I want to share the story of how I accidentally found out about Forex and got hooked into this industry for the past 13 years.

I was in my 2nd job and it required me to be stationed in other countries for long period of time. When I went for my job interview, I was informed that I would be stationed for 6 months every year in either Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok or Jakarta. I was thrilled and excited about this. I was young and was looking for opportunities to travel. After getting the job, I was assigned to Bangkok.

I spent the first 6 months in Singapore and on my 7th month, I was posted to Bangkok for the next 6 months. The first few weeks was spent exploring the night life in Bangkok. I would work during the day and at night, my Singaporean colleagues and I would be at one of the bars straight after dinner for their Happy Hour Promotions. A beer cost something like $2 and to us it was really cheap. We would spend a few hours drinking and planning the next disco to go to later in the night.

By the end of the 2nd month, we were all so bored about the current lifestyle and our daily Happy Hour sessions slowed down to maybe once or twice a week.

I was making quite a good income at that point, about $6,000 a month, which was pretty good for a 25 year old 13 years ago. But, who wouldn't want more right? I went online and I typed in this simple question "How to make money online?"

There were so many options that popped out but the 1 thing that caught my attention was Forex Trading. I was intrigued and started spending my nights reading up on this subject. On my return to Singapore at the end of the month (we came back to Singapore every month for monthly meetings and also due to visa requirements), I was ready to open a Forex account. I deposited $10,000 into the account and was ready to go!

I had no proper strategy, just adrenaline and excitement and eagerness to start trading. I entered my first trade and made about $300! I was hooked! It was so easy to make money by just clicking a few buttons and predicting if the price would go up or down.

In my first week of trading, I made about $3,000. I knew there was no turning back. Forex is the way to go! Tomorrow I will share with you what happened during my first 3 months of trading Forex. Stay tuned!

Hope you enjoy today's article and if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments below and I will definitely respond to you.

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