BITNATION, A Decentralized Nation which YOU might want to be a part of

A Decentralized Nation

Introduction :
To begin with, I am a Utopist who believes in abolition of government where people will have equal votes to decide how to run a country without appointing a representative. I believe that every voice matters and we are all born the same as human being before the world kinda messed us up in certain ways based on our background.
I am not going to play a blame game but government in charge is somehow also responsible of chaotic situation in this globe. Nonetheless,I personally think that I am also contributing in someway to ruin the situation by not using my vote properly. I started growing resentment towards government when I noticed money game and was heavily involved in political environment in my hometown. I was only 15 when I exposed to political practices. I got invited to several events during mayor election as my family know one of the strongest candidate. So to say, during the campaign, the candidate gathered some influential people like police, bankers and businessman in order to help him with the election in return of sweet projects. In the end, that candidate won and has been creating shady projects all over the town.

Enough about me, eventhough there's still a lot to say by living in a very corrupt country. Now, I'd like to tell you about a decentralized nation I found early 2017 when I started to dip my feet into bitcoin world. Bitcoin itself was a great invention aimed to bypass government in terms of transaction so since a means of transaction is already created, why not a nation?

Also, Let me know in the comment section if you have ever known about this idea or have becoming a part of it. I'd appreciate any kind of feedback, suggestions and experience.

Note : all things in this post are sourced from their main website which you can find through the link below


What is Bitnation?

Cited from their main website :

BITNATION is a decentralized, open-source movement, powered by the Bitcoin blockchain 2.0 technology, in an attempt to foster a peer-to-peer voluntary governance system, rather than the current ‘top-down’, ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, restrained by the current nation-state-engineered geographical apartheid, where your quality of life is defined by where you were arbitrarily born.
We’re a holacratic organization and we strive to become a fully functional Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This means that there are no old-school management structures or barriers to entry. Anyone can join or create a team (‘holon’), whether for-profit or nonprofit, and benefit from the support and technological infrastructure of the BITNATION community.
With love,

The idea of blockchains not borders is truly fascinating given that I see inequality as someone coming from so called third world nation. Moving around easily is not a priviledge that we have. We have to go through innumerable pain process of visa and tons of money just to visit another place excluding several stereotypes stamped in our body. Meanwhile, blockchain knows no stereotypes.

Furthermore, Bitnation offers same services like traditional government which includes law, security, social service, insurance and diplomacy. According to Bitnation: wikipedia,they even issued the first birth certificate in 2015 and has cooperated with Estonia to create a blockchain based public notary solution.

How to be a part of it?

There are 5 ways to become a part of it . You can be either ;

  • A citizen
  • Ambassador
  • Ally
  • Embassy
  • Nation

Where to find them ?

I found out there are on steemit too !

Check them out @bitnation

However, it seems that they do not post frequently on steemit anyhow you can find them through reddit, telegram, facebook, and github.

Further Read

Something to really look at

Throughout the years, I eventually came to the conclusion that the most dangerous people in the world - the greatest threat to human peace and prosperity - were in fact not terrorists, rogue nations or neocon warmongers. Rather, the greatest threat to humanity were the well intentioned do-gooders from Ivy League Universities, sitting in air conditioned State Department and European Commission conference rooms, and in the UN headquarters in New York, Geneva and Vienna,

Note : I'll keep this post updated each time as I gathered more information. If you are interested just head out to their main website or watch its founder TEDTalks. Also, while trying to gather the information, some of its website are restricted and by time I am writing this, I am not using any VPN.

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