The Envelope~

Hi Everyone!

This week I have been trying to clean up my To Do List. It was filled with so many things half done that I was going a bit batty. Well, more batty then normal. I have been slowly working on those projects before I head down to my Mom's on Tuesday of next week.

When there I don't know how much time I will have to be on Steemit because my Mom has a list a mile long of what she wants us all to do. If you see me a bit less of over the coming weeks, that is why. Mom kidnapped me and took away my tablet. 😆

While in Florida I am going to be able to meet @jonny-clearwater and film an episode of Hots and Shots. I'm not even going to try and plan how that day is going to go other than to laugh until I can not breathe, kind of a day and then a very long nap afterwards!

I also have a lunch date with @topkpop. I am looking forward to meeting her and giving her a real-life hug in person. Topkpop is a strong woman that I admire. To be able to meet her in person will be so much fun. I'm hoping we get some great photo's and maybe a little video of our lunch to share. It depends how my hair looks that day though. Florida, humidity, and my hair do not always mix well! You might just see a lot of photos of @Topkpop. 😁

But all that doesn't happen until next week so today I finally finished a Weekend Freewrite I started two weeks ago and wanted to share it with everyone before it got lost in the great computer filing system I have cough, cough. 😶

This story was not written in 15 minutes, as weekend freewrites are to be if you follow the rules. The night I started writing this story nothing was coming together and I was getting very frustrated so I left it for another day. That day being today! 😃 I hope you enjoy the story and Thank you for stopping by to read it!

The Envelope~

She loved both her husbands. Jenny made up her mind long ago to live her life for herself and what gave her happiness. She knew if she was happy then those around her would benefit from it. She hated being tied down to one of anything. She loved her freedom but when young she didn't have a choice and was forced to marry.

Over time, she and Tom learned to respect one another. They had three children together per the rules that governed them. Jenny, brought up as all good women were, memorized all the rules of married life. For the good of the world, they all now found themselves in, she knew it was best to follow the rules to the letter.

While growing up she had seen many of her neighbors taken off by the enforcers. Once, a neighbor that Jenny had found some of the same interests with, did return home after the enforcers took her away one rainy Wednesday afternoon. When her neighbor returned she has a dead look in her eyes. When she tried to have a conversation with her the responses she received reminded her of a robot. Once again reinforcing all she learned as a female child growing up. Follow the rules or you will lose your whole self.

Jenny went through her day saying all the right things to everyone she met. she was not a stupid woman. Noone had any clue just how unhappy she was living in the confines of the government rules, the same predictable rules, every day.

Being brought up knowing this was going to be her life, each day as her children got older, needing her less and less, her husband coming home later and later, after each promotion he received at work, made Jenny want more. More everything. More life. More emotions. More!

Over the long years of raising children, she slowly built a plan for her the perfect life. The perfect life for Jenny became having two lives. Finding out early in her life she had more needs then most women seemed to or at least talked about she knew one husband was never going satisfy her.

The children were finally grown, had their own lives and now it was Jenny's time to live for herself.

Two husbands did just that. One loved her wild side. She could be free and do anything with Jim while Tom gave her peace when she needed it. Both where workaholic's and never thought twice about all her vacations she took while they were away on business trips. She was a good wife to them both, past the age of childbearing, was given more freedom than when she was younger because of her perfect record growing up.

She made sure, when she married her second husband, he was from another country. He also had to be a workaholic.

She loved them both equally and they, in turn, didn't end up with a wife that made them feel guilty about anything.

Years passed in wedded bliss for all three of them. None knowing the wiser and all very happy. Jenny had the freedom she always wanted by traveling back and forth from country to country when she felt like it. All was peaceful finally in her small world until the day of her 64th year.

Tom was away on business and not wanting to spend her day of birth alone Jenny hopped on a plane to go spend her day with Jim.

The minute she walked in the door to Jim and her home she stopped in her tracks. There was a feeling about the place, but it wasn't the peaceful calm she expected. The home normally was filled an aura of hope, dreams, and peace you could feel the minute you walked into the home. Today as Jenny was walking in the front door she grabbed her head feeling like she had been hit with a sledgehammer to her temples.

She grabbed the door frame to keep herself from passing out on the spot. She tried to get her bearings as she looked around the living room and noticed all the furniture, nicknacks, and books out of place. Jim was never the neatest person but even he would put pillows back on a couch. He felt emotions way too much to live with disorder around himself. He would never have left the home this way.

As she slowly walked around the room taking in all before her she saw the stamp on the envelope and froze in her tracks. Why would Jim had received a letter from Deike? He didn't know anyone there. She had made sure of it when she went looking for husband number two. Tom lived in Deike. Jenny knew for a fact that Jim hated anything to do with the country of Deike.

She slowly picked up the envelope and noticed it was already open. Her breathing slowed almost to a stop she was so shaken by all the feelings of anger and rage pouring off the paper in her hand.

Slowly she drew out the letter from inside the envelope, unfolded it........She did stop breathing while she read the letter.

Jenny finished the letter, looked up, and walked into the bedroom to see Jim laying there dead. She slowly walked over, laid down next to him, covered them both up with the blanket they had received on their wedding day.

Jenny slowly wrapped her arms around Jim, closing her eyes, she softly whispered into his ear how sorry she was as she slowly drifted off to sleep never to wake in this world again.

All Photos used in the story were found at Pexels

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