Amended: Repost of "Friends of Gondor" Launch!

Friends of Gondor

(account @friendsofgondor and tag #friendsofgondor)

A "Peaceful Way" To Help @fulltimegeek




One Way We Can Show @fulltimegeek We Support Him

There are many ways to show our support for what @fulltimegeek is getting ready to do. And the way in which you help will depend on several factors. Some people like me are small (like most of my 5000 followers) and will only have power with their voice, while others will be the doctors and nurses helping the victims be healed. And of course others will be able go to the frontlines and engage directly in battle. This post today will be about showing "love" and using your "voice".

I personally think that we should all be smart about what we can realistically do and consider the consequences of every action. It is one thing to be brave and supportive, but another to be naive and/or ignorant to the backlash. So that is why I am suggesting today a way we can show our support that is far far away from the frontline, because I don't want people to be unnecessarily wounded by trying to "help". To me this way of support is very effective and will give power collectively to effectively use what you have most, your "voice" for moral support!


Quick Background of @fulltimegeek and #stewardsofgondor

The man leading this quest against the selfish here on the steemit system is @fulltimegeek. He is the one who started the #stewardsofgondor. To give you some background on what he did, he got so powerful early in steemit's existence that he wasn't comfortable with all his power. So he decided to delegate most all of it away to others, who he felt would do a good job and help others. In that way he didn't carry so heavy of a weight that he could be the sole decider of things. The people who he delegated his power to became known as a Stewards of Gondor! (there are roughly 50 of them)

But now he is coming back in this quest to stop the selfish ones. He has had enough of this selfish group and is going to attack them with his own power. But to do this he is taking back his delegated power from his "stewards", so he will once again have the ability to have lots of control over the situation. He will also have an army of people that will help him (like me, even though I am small) because he has earned respect from many for his selflessness and giving.


Friends of Gondor Is Now Launched!

As a way to show support for @fulltimegeek, and those that have already been injured through his need to withdraw his delegations, I have set up a group account called @friendsofgondor. This account will be my way to give moral support to @fulltimegeek and the "Stewards of Gondor" members that lost their own power (and are supporting @fulltimegeek still).

This is a peaceful way to show support and will keep my followers far away from the frontlines. It will not hurt anyone to cast an upvote for a SOG member, so their will be no damage for showing your support in this way.

This is very important to understand. People that follow my lead here, will not be putting their accounts in danger (which is the last thing I want for newbies and minnows).


How It Will Work

I will be "auto-upvoting" every post that the SOG members make at 0 minutes from the @friendsofgondor account (to give maximum value to the authors). I have set an account up through to have a "curation trail". Therefore anyone that wants to support @fulltimegeek in the way that I am choosing, can do so very easily through joining the @friendsofgondor curation trail.

The way a curation trail works is actually very simple. Every time a member on the list (below) makes a post, @friendsofgondor will automatically upvote it. If you "join" this curation trail, then you will also upvote with me. Every time, automatic.

The beauty of this system is that you can set your vote value to send the message but also not sap your own voting power too hard. I recommend you set your voting weight to between 1% and 10% to this effort. Put another way, you normally have 100% of your own votes being cast. If you give away 3%, then you will still have 97% that will be yours to do with as you normally do. It is a very effective way to send your "voice" through upvoting and will not affect your normal course of business.

The way I think of it is that if I could keep my regular way of doing things intact with 90% to 99% of what I have in voting power, then of course I will be happy to give my voice of an upvote because I do respect very much what these guys are doing! And it will help @fulltimegeek to understand his loyal stewards are being rehabilitated.


How Your Small Vote Can Make A Big Difference

You may think that since your vote is only worth as little as $0.00 - $$0.01 that sending an even smaller fraction of that will do no good, but you would be wrong.

Lets go through the math: if we have 1000 people do this and each only had a $0.01 per upvote... and the average is a 5% individual contribution to the trail... the math works out to this (1000 x $0.01 x 5%) or a total of a $0.50 upvote on each post of each Steward of Gondor.

But its not really about the math ;)


thank you.gif

A Message Of Thanks

While a $0.50 upvote might not seem like much for the upvotes for 1000 people, the purpose of this plan is not for the money, instead it is for the upvote cast itself. Your upvote is a vote of support, a vote that shows you are giving your "moral support" to their sacrifices.

Just imagine how you would feel if every post of yours received hundreds to thousands of upvotes from people casting their votes to say "thank you in this small way and we support you". That is what @friendsofgondor seeks to achieve.

I am making the account solely dedicated to helping the people that @fulltimegeek has hand selected as his stewards and are fully behind him in his quest against selfishness. I will use the account to only autovote stewards and will not vote for anything else. My goal in doing this is to achieve several objectives:

#1 I want to give the smaller players an easy and automatic way to use their "voice" to show their support and contribute in a way that is "peaceful".

#2 I want to show people that there is more than one way to support the "flag war" battles going on. This is the peaceful and non-combative way that I think most of my friends should follow through with. It is a way that will keep any negative aspect of the war from hitting any indivdual that participates. (Note: I will be also discussing other ways that you can support the battle that are far more confrontational (like @flagthedonkey), but that is not something I would suggest the average newbie or minnow engage in.)

#3 I want to encourage others to follow a similar path and set up their own curation trail and support their own set of supporters (this is a big quest with many people needing support). By setting up a framework of my own, I am setting up a model for anyone to use. I'm hoping there will be many to hop on the idea and we set up hundreds of trails together. They all add up and it does send "moral support".

#4 I want to encourage leadership and motivation. I want people from all parts of this community to learn that there are ways to get things accomplished, and that no one is too small to make a difference. We can all help in many ways, and even if you only have 50 followers, you can lead them to work with you in productive ways.


Spread The Word - Resteem & Make Your Own Posts

I don't normally mention resteeming my posts, but in this case I'm going to make an exception. I think this message is a very important one to be delivered. If you agree with my message and think it should be heard by many, then I hope that you will resteem it for the purpose of education. Many people will "want" to help, but may not know "how" to help in a peaceful and non-combative way, so by you educating them of this way then you will be doing a service to us all.

Also, I don't normally encourage people to copy others' posts and make it their own. But in this case, with this post, I welcome and encourage anyone to take whatever they want out of it and make their own post to their own followers. You can copy and past the whole thing if you like as far as I'm concerned.


Easy Instructions To Set Up And Follow A Curation Trail On Steemauto or Streemian (applied, but not live yet)

To set up a curaton account at (click here to learn how) or (click here to learn how)


List of Stewards of Gondor That Will Be Auto Upvoted

54 names. I have left off one name due to his admirable stance of personal conscience on not being able to support @fulltimegeek in this quest. If any of the others on the list don't support the quest, please let me know and I will be happy to remove your name too. Everyone of course can support what they want, but this list is for the purpose of supporting those stewards that support @fulltimegeek's position.



All SBD Will Be Used To Lease SP To Support The Curation Trail

Note : All proceeds of SBD from this post and all SBD earned in the @friendsofgondor account will be used to lease SP to have a larger vote value. This will stay this way as long as the "flag war" quest is in place. At the end of the quest, I will give @fulltimegeek the power to decide what to do with this account.

I am also contributing the $1.50 sbd award from @abh12345 and adding another $5 sbd from my own account to get the leasing program started. If anyone else wants to contribute to the SP leasing program for this, all donations will go directly for the express purpose of leasing SP to increase the upvote values for the names on this list.


If You Have Questions, I Will Try To Give Answers. Ask Anything

No question is too small and I'm happy to help. I want people to understand this and I'm willing to spend as much time as necessary to explain!


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